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Everything posted by TTman7

  1. Yea, you're probably like me...no where near skinny, but 1-2 biscuits shy of needing a diet. Buff hefty.
  2. He may have another suggestion, but I'd recommend Mexico. Some of your employees could probably hook you up with a place down there.
  3. WINNER!! Absolutely the best costume!!! Congrats young lady!!
  4. IF that happens, he WON'T be my president. Neither will the Ho when she takes over for him. I'll be a sovereign citizen regarding the US govt...and start a grass roots movement for Texas to secede. Might even start my own "Purge" movement.
  5. That's what I thought. You say you're not a Dimocrat...you sure act like one though.
  6. Me as well...you are more than welcome to PM me anytime to say anything you'd like. I'd also like to hear what you have to say and to elaborate on your thoughts.
  7. thoughts @BarryLaverty ? Your suggests you don't agree with my statements.
  8. I bet his neck muscles get sore then. And he's probably suffering from constant "mini" concussions. Poor fella. Explains alot.
  9. Uh..ok..sure. Pot, I'd like to introduce you to Kettle.
  10. Aw man!! I missed that announcement!! I hope they are happy in their UNHOLY union. Rapinoe is an uneducated female dog.
  11. Boy, that went right over your head I guess. Next time I'll explain better.
  12. ...DF's #1 fan ETF would not agree with that assessment. Unless he's flip-flopped, which is possible.
  13. They gonna learn one day to listen to us.
  14. I'm bald by choice...low maintenance . Dont have anything to scratch. I don't answer practically every post with smh (scratch my head)...you do. Your cooties are the joke evidently
  15. You really should get some medicine for your scalp. Js
  16. ...I was never wounded that way to know for sure, lol. But I'm guessing that when the blood is spurting then the "fuse" don't matter...or shouldn't.
  17. Should...unless you're just a brainwashed, lifelong, think-you-have-to-vote-dimocrat, stupid Black person. Or unless you just have mega TDS & hate in your heart.
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