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Everything posted by Youngcoach123

  1. Ft worth judge if I remember correctly. Doesn’t matter really. It’s all Pfizer documents that the FDA has. I’m sure we can all figure what that data says before hand. Safe and effective!
  2. https://www.lifenews.com/2022/01/07/principal-raped-teen-girl-planned-parenthood-aborted-her-baby-and-sent-her-back-to-him/ “Even though the abortion was done on an out-of-state minor accompanied by a suspicious 45-year-old man who was not related to her, there is no evidence that Planned Parenthood ever reported suspected underage sexual abuse.”
  3. Is that what we say? Or do we say work harder to improve your situation and let the market compete for workers?
  4. https://www.city-journal.org/racial-essentialism-corrupts-medicine?wallit_nosession=1 In Minnesota, those without “BIPOC status” will be “deprioritized” in receiving monoclonal antibodies. An affluent Asian-American would be prioritized over a poor Lebanese immigrant with the same health condition.
  5. The companies that don’t want to do this to their employees are still being forced by osha unless the Supreme Court stops it.
  6. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4994767/user-clip-justice-sotomayor-makes-case-biden-vaccine-mandates-comparing-human-spewing-virus “How are humans different from machines” ~sotomayor these people are absolutely insane.
  7. Justice Sonia Sotomayor said during oral arguments today that “we have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, and many on ventilators” due to the coronavirus. That's False.
  8. Boy the Butthurt is strong on this thread today! Lol from terrible memes to bad analogies. Triggered fools will never hurt anything.
  9. Kagan: “the government is paying for the medical services so they have the right to dictate details of those services” Alexa: why is government healthcare a bad idea?
  10. You think Jett has read trumps transcript from that day?
  11. I don’t answer questions when you can’t keep up. Live a little bud. It’ll be ok.
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