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Everything posted by 38boot

  1. 38boot


    He isn’t very good either.
  2. No hillbilly has ever fought over false land claims, am I right?
  3. At least you could make out what was meant. What you said on the other hand was some backwoods Boomhauer talk.
  4. Meant beefs. But that would likely go over your head. Yeah very limited world view. Even the hillbillies where you’re from fight over turf when they don’t own anything.
  5. There is a massive difference between the motives of the two. Gang violence is mostly done in retaliation towards specific targets. Drugs trades gone bad, beers, turf war. The other is a guy driving 10 hours and shooting people at random. Or a guy entering a high school in New Mexico to shoot random teenage kids he’s never met before. Or a mad man shooting up an elementary school.
  6. Of trying to look the other direction. yall will blame every other group for crimes, drugs, murders, rapes. But once white people get blamed for any of that y’all lose your collective minds.
  7. But you’ll excuse one and jump on the other. You’re trying to hard. Yall love to point fingers but will never accept blame.
  8. Oh you are full on party narrative. Sad really. But yeah you’re trying to equate gang violence to a mad man entering an elementary school and gunning down innocent children.
  9. Did your feelings get hurt? I’m not black. Try again.
  10. Oh so you’re creating a false equivalency. Got it. I don’t support that movement. So try elsewhere.
  11. In a single drive by? Show me the drive by that killed 26 kids, or the drive by that killed 70 plus people. I’ll wait. In El Paso a mother died while shielding her baby from gun fire. Guess you don’t recognize sandy hook as real?
  12. Tell us about Las Vegas, El Paso, sandy hook, aurora.. just to name a few
  13. No like overall. Out of all of them over decades they are. Also have a higher murder count of mass shootings. Thats probably where that little poster is misguiding it’s readers. Anything to feel better though, right?
  14. Jones is a cool guy. Fights out of the best gym on the planet.
  15. Different weight classes. Although Jones is big enough to fight him. I’d love for him to get in there with Francis or Derrick Lewis. Hardy is also a dirty fighter.
  16. My thoughts come from deep conversations with those in my parish. My grandmother cried every day until she passed away after my grandfather had passed on. 8 years. After decades of marriage. We will be reunited with our loved ones in the afterlife and that includes spouses.
  17. Many old timers I know refused to even date after their spouse passed because of that belief. The till death is likely there because marriages were used to create alliances amongst kingdoms. Divorce is a sin due to the other person being alive. To me it is a promise in front of God to love and cherish just that one person.
  18. Divorce is a sin because it was not death that separated the persons from one another. The vow comes from the book of common prayer.
  19. Souls will be reunited. Til death is a reference to the earthly vessel of the body no longer that vessel that houses the soul.
  20. I do not understand how so many can commit the sin of divorce. Yes it is a sin. It is a promise that one has made in front of God to forever be with one person. I read something earlier that it is on the decline but this is due to people marrying less. Which involves other sins of promiscuous behaviors. Not sure how to feel about this.
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