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Everything posted by gamewatcher63

  1. Trump lawyer, prosecutors question jurors on ability to decide cases fairly: 'I have got opinions' (Getty Images) The process to whittle down a jury pool of hundreds to just 12 in the hush money trial against former President Donald Trump continued late Thursday afternoon. Judge Juan Merchan earlier in the day excused two seated jurors, reducing the number of sworn-in jurors from 7 to 5. Trump's lawyers and lawyers from the Manhattan District Attorney's office continued questioning of the 18 prospective jurors Thursday. Assistant District Attorney Joshua Steinglass asked the 18 people in the jury box if anyone feels the DA would have to prove more than the law requires because the defendant is Donald Trump. One man answered, “I can be objective.” Another said he could apply the beyond a reasonable doubt standard to any defendant. A lawyer who previously clerked for a federal judge told told the court she feared she may not be able to set aside prior knowledge and thoughts about Trump’s case. “I thought about this during lunch. I think the fact that I spent a year discussing this case with a federal judge and law clerks, I fear that I know too much,” she said. “I don’t know that I can put that aside. I’m worried that it’s going to seep in, in some way.” Asked by Steinglass if she worried she couldn’t put aside her prior knowledge of the case, she said, “Frankly, yes." A woman whose son works for a Democrat member of the House of Representatives told the court his employment wouldn’t affect her ability to be fair and impartial. When asked by Trump lawyer Susan Necheles about her feelings toward Trump, the woman responded, “It’s the first time I’ve been in a room with him. I’m a registered Democrat. But I have no feelings about him.” A man who said he follows Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, on Twitter, as well as other figures — including former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway — said he did so for his work in finance. “Anything that might move the markets I might need to know about,” he said. Responding to questions from Trump lawyer Susan Necheles about his feelings about the former president, the man said that Trump has done some good for the country. “It’s ambivalent. It goes both ways,” he said. Fox News' Maria Paronich contributed to this report. These people are flat out lying in court to say that they can be impartial…..
  2. Sooo…tell me again what the percentages are for the NFL and NBA??????????
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-juror-previously-arrested-ripping-down-right-leaning-political-ads-dismissed-trial Juror had already been seated and it was found that they had been arrested for tearing down conservative political signs….and lied on the questionaire about knowing anyone who had been arrested…his wife had And then another juror asked to be dismissed after being seated because she said she didn’t think she could be a fair juror….and this was all AFTER saying that she had no bias’s… And this Judge who is looking for publicity won’t allow it to be moved…..Marx would be proud
  4. “Real Science and Real Medicine” are not absolute….what works for one patient may not for another….it is ever changing…the left says “follow the science” yet does anything but….. Herr Fauci is nothing but a lifetime bureaucratic making more money than the POTUS…. so I guess Rodger’s isn’t allow to have an opinion because of?????
  5. August 2013 – May 2017 New York University Bachelor of Science in Media, Culture, & Communication Minor in Business of Entertainment, Media, & Technology Chris Malone Méndez “Chris Malone Méndez is a Breaking/Trending News Writer for Men's Journal based in Los Angeles, California. Prior to joining Men's Journal in 2023, Chris has written for sites like Forbes, Billboard, Thrillist, Elite Daily, PopSugar, and more. Over his years as a working journalist, Chris has covered topics ranging from entertainment and travel to sports and politics and interviewed many prominent figures in these areas. Chris is also an accomplished marathon runner with over a decade of experience in distance running. When he isn't writing, you can probably find him reading on the beach or going for a scenic hike somewhere. “ So I don’t see anything about old Chris here that says he has any medical training…..great stuff….so he’s just doing his own research also…..
  6. https://www.foxnews.com/media/usc-valedictorian-speech-canceled-not-apologetic-defends-call-abolish-israel-current-form ”Higher Education” today is nothing more than an echo chamber of hate and violent activism….
  7. Demo’s and Rino’s get on TV and bash each others brains out and then make dinner reservations at the most expensive restaurant in DC…where they back slap each other and talk about the zingers they yelled….then they talk about the stocks they are buying with the insider trading info they have….sleep and repeat
  8. But Barry says your not allowed to…..
  9. Hammer hits nail squarely on the head……
  10. But…but…but…SloJoe said DON’T….
  11. You always post a topic and then wait for responses…then you have your canned leftist echo chamber daily talking points….carry on
  12. A FOREIGN BIG Business at that….all the while demo’s are making it harder and harder for small businesses to get by with all of the new taxes and new laws mandating “living” minimum wages for workers that have no skills….look at California for what the democrats want to do nation wide
  13. Barry’s a gun grabber who would love to have a gun confiscation act passed by Congress….a true useful idiot
  14. I knew you would be by sooner or later with the inaccurate and false stats…good job…you didn’t disappoint
  15. What about the guy defending himself with a bollard???? That’s a weapon….right??? BAN BOLLARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/04/13/five-killed-sydney-bondi-shopping-centre-stabbing-live-baby/ anyone remember the guy in Indiana that took out the mall shooter…..https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/19/us/eli-dicken-indiana-mall-shooting-bystander/index.html
  17. I may be dumb….but I’m not stupid…https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/watch-federal-reserve-principal-economist-who-reveals-okeefe/
  18. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fed-may-no-choice-tip-040838453.html if Powell doesn’t do what is necessary then you know he is in the tank for Biden’s re-election….which we already know he is anyway
  19. I’m just going to believe what this young lady says about the MSM not understanding the community she lives in….
  20. https://www.nbcnews.com/investigations/man-terror-watchlist-remains-us-released-border-patrol-rcna147192 still free as can be roaming around the US…..
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