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Everything posted by Straw

  1. For the same reason less money for police leads to more crime
  2. For the record, Barry has zero poor illegals living with him and his family. See, like most Liberals, Barry wants you to pay for them, to house them, as long as its out of his sight. Liberals love giving away other peoples money and security.
  3. You are right because most of us agree with her. Under this Admnistration, it is throwing your life away. Of course you dont care what she meant you just assume what she means. "Can you imagine explaining to a recruit, you're gonna be just fine, just like those Marines in Kabul," Dobbs said of the 13 armed forces members who died at Afghanistan's capital airport during the withdrawal back in August of last year. "We may not have time to come back and get you. But you know, it'll work out all right [...] We're going to fight a third world country for two decades and walk out with our tail between our legs," Dobbs added. "Who in his or her right mind would say 'sign me up for that, Sarge?'" Greene responded, "Not my son, and I know a lot of young people don't want to have anything to do with that. It's like throwing your life away.
  4. In other news, no one has ever seen Barry and the Penis Prisoner in the same place at the same time!
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/news/new-hunter-biden-revelations-raise-counter-intelligence-questions-090046438.html
  6. There is a reason why people like Barry despise this law. They can no longer groom little kids into being Epsteined which is their main goal. Any teacher that talks about sex or gender identity with any child that is not their own should be fired on the spot or put in prison. That is a parents job to do so!
  7. So do Pedophile Democrats but I dont see you sighing about that!
  8. You are right cause you Mother Teresa's were so kind to Kavanaugh. Hypocrite much?
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