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In the Beginning


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In the Beginning
By: Jim Crews

The word genesis means origin, source, or beginning. In the very first verses of the Book of Genesis, we can read what the Holy Spirit revealed to us about the creation of the universe. 
Genesis 1: 1 - 2

As the book of beginnings, Genesis is an extremely important part of the Bible. There are many Scriptural doctrines that have their beginning in Genesis. The rest of the Bible builds on these foundational truths. In this lesson, we want to look at some of those basic, fundamental truths. 

We learn from Genesis that God is. He exists. Moses doesn’t even try to prove God. He simply asserts that God is. Why? Because God’s existence is self evident. 
Psalm 19: 1 - 4
Romans 1: 20

Nothing can come from nothing, so something had to have always existed. The only two choices are eternal matter, which is impossible, or eternal mind, which is God. 


We not only see that God exists, we see that God created. 
Genesis 1: 1 - 2: 3

All we have to do is read this and we can clearly see that it teach that the universe was created in 6 literal 24-hour days. These six days became the basis of the Sabbath law. 
Exodus 20: 8 - 11

Despite what the thinkers and scientists want you to believe, we know that the universe was created by God in 6 days. I choose to believe God, not the ‘scientists’. 
I Timothy 6: 20 - 21

We learn from Genesis that God rules over the universe. 

God created all of the physical laws of the universe. 
Genesis 1: 14 - 19

He created all of the genetic laws. 
Genesis 1: 11 - 13, 20-23

He created all the moral and spiritual laws. 
Genesis 2: 15 - 17

Violating any of God’s laws can be hazardous to us. If you don’t believe that, go jump off a roof. 

We learn from Genesis that God binds. 
Genesis 2: 18 - 25

Here He instituted marriage. The institution of marriage is of Divine origin and control. He bound who can get married. One man and one woman.
Romans 1: 26 - 27

Two men can’t marry. Two women can’t marry. Human governments do not get to change God’s marriage laws. God will eventually strike down those nations who do by His divine judgment. 

God bound marriage permanently on those couples who get married. They must leave their family and cleave to one another as one flesh. 
Matthew 19: 3 - 9

God bound the parameters of marriage. He placed the man as head of the woman. 
Ephesians 5: 22 - 33


We learn from Genesis that God punishes. 
Genesis 3: 1 - 24

We saw earlier that God rules. However, His laws would be meaningless without punishments for those who violate them. 
Ecclesiastes 8: 11

We learn a lot from Genesis 3. We learn that Satan is real, and he is dangerous. 
II Corinthians 11: 3

We learn from Genesis 3 that sin has consequences. Those consequences are physical, spiritual, and bring eternal death. 

We also learn that God has a plan for man’s redemption from sin. 
Isaiah 7: 14
Galatians 4: 4 - 5

That plan for man’s redemption was to send His Son to die as the only sacrifice capable of cleansing sin. 
Hebrews 9: 13 - 14
I Peter 1: 18 - 20

When we hear of this good news, of the sacrifice made for us, we must believe.
Romans 10: 17
John 3: 16

Faith alone, though, has never saved anyone. 
James 2: 24

Our faith must be backed by our obedience. 
John 3: 36
Hebrews 5: 9

Many people claim to love Christ. He said if we truly love Him, we will do what He said to do. 
John 14: 15
John 14: 21
John 15: 10
I John 2: 4

His commands are easy for us to obey. 
I John 5: 3


He tells us that we must repent of our past sins. We must strive to remove sin from our lives by turning our focus away from the sins and onto God. 
Luke 13: 3
Acts 17: 30

He tells us that we must make a public confession of our faith in Him. 
Matthew 10: 32 - 33
Romans 10: 9 - 10

He tells us that we must be immersed in water to have our past sins washed away. 
Mark 16: 16
Acts 2: 38
Acts 22: 16

Then we must live faithfully unto death, following the teachings of the New Testament, no matter what obstacles we may face. 
Revelation 2: 10

This is God’s plan for the redemption of man, brought forth in His mind before the universe was even created. Won’t you come today, obey Him while you still can. 

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