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The Awesomeness of God


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The Awesomeness of God

God is our creator, our sustainer, and a miracle worker.

Genesis 1: 1 - 2


He has worked in history, revealing Himself in the record called the Bible. Among Christians, we have taken that revelation and explained God so well, that we have taken away so much of the mystery.  The result of this is that many of us have forgotten just how awesome He is. This is not criticism, because that is exactly why God revealed Himself to us. However, sometimes we need to be reminded just how awesome our God really is.


God thinks about each of us every single day. Most of us have a relatively small circle of family and friends. Beyond that circle, we are really nobody. Think of earthly rulers such as mayors, governors, or the president. Do they even know you exist? No, they don’t. God, however, is the ruler of the universe.

Psalm 47: 8 - 9


He knows you. He thinks of you every day. He hears you when you cry out to Him in prayer and provides for you every day, if you are one of His children.

Matthew 6: 8

Matthew 6: 25 - 26

Romans 8: 28

This is very awesome, not only the fact that He has the ability to do this, but the fact that He actually DOES it.


God changes people every day. Through the gospel, He can change the most evil sinners into saints. That is the very purpose of the gospel. We have seen this in other people, such as Paul. Paul was a persecutor of Christians and a sinner. Paul became an apostle.

I Timothy 1: 12 - 16


We have seen this change in ourselves. We were also evil and sinners, lost souls in need of salvation.

Titus 3: 3 - 7


There are many examples of former lost sinners who became Christians and serve as deacons, elders, and preachers.


God changes nations every day. God is a work throughout history and among the nations. Nations rise and fall at His bidding.

Daniel 4: 17

Daniel 4: 24 - 26


Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, Israel, and even the United States. What is our future? What is His purpose? We may not always realize this. We may not even see it played out in our short life spans, because God operates in the long view. When things seem bad, God is at work. Things change. It eventually and always works out as He wills.


God makes use of you every day. Two people can meet, one is a Christian and one is not. A conversation takes place and a preacher is developed. A new visitor to the congregation becomes a Christian. Later, he becomes an elder and impacts the congregation for years. A Christian come to work with a local congregation. Then things take off and that congregation prospers. These things are not coincidences, because coincidence does not exist. God had a hand in all of them.  

I Corinthians 3: 9


God became a man in order to die for you. Think of the awesomeness of that. There was no moral imperative for this. He could have let us die in our sins and be cast into hell for eternity. Instead, He humbly came, endured temptation, endured opposition, endured ridicule, endured false accusations, endured abuse, and suffered a humiliating death. All for you and me. How awesome is that?

Those with a conscience who hear of this and believe are moved to shame, humility, motivated to obey and be saved. This is the very point Paul was making to the brethren in Philippi.

Philippians 2: 3 - 8

Philippians 2: 12 - 16

These are just a FEW of the ways in which our God shows Himself to be an awesome God. His focus is not on Himself, but on us.  God is all about helping us, making us better, and eventually, bringing us home to live with Him forever. How can you not be touched by such amazing love and grace? And if you have been touched by these things, we hope you will become a Christian today. How?


You must hear and believe what we have taught about His sacrifice for us.

Romans 10: 17

John 3: 16

John 8: 24


You must then obey His commands.

John 3: 36

Hebrews 5: 9


He commands us to repent of our past sins.

Luke 13: 3

Acts 17: 30


He commands us to make a public confession of our faith in Him as the Messiah.

Matthew 10: 32 - 33

Romans 10: 9 - 10


He commands us to be immersed in water to have our past sins washed away.

Mark 16: 16

Acts 2: 38

Acts 22: 16


Once we have done as He commanded, we are saved as long as we live faithfully unto death, overcoming any obstacles we may encounter along the way.

Revelation 2: 10


Why wait? Become a child of God today by obeying His gospel.


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