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Three Philosophies of Life


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Three Philosophies of Life

By: Jim Crews


A lawyer, trying to test Jesus, asked him how to gain eternal life. Jesus, as was his habit, turned the question around and asked for his opinion first. The response was to love God and to love his neighbor. To which Jesus agreed. The lawyer didn’t have a problem with loving God, but obviously he felt uncomfortable with his past actions in loving his neighbor. To justify himself, he tried to narrow the definition of neighbor by asking Jesus to define “neighbor.” The parable of the Good Samaritan was Jesus’ answer. As you read the parable, notice that three different philosophies of life towards those around us is given.

Lk 10:25-37

The Robbers philosophy is “What is yours is mine”. A robber practices the philosophy “might makes right.” We can clearly see this attitude evidenced in our society today. We see on the news about car-jackings, and armed robberies all the time. The attitude of robbers is that what is yours is mine, if I can take it from you.  A characteristic of the wicked is their brutality.

II Tim 3:3

Violence becomes a part of their nature.

Prov. 4:14-17

They trust in their strength but their plans are empty words.

II Kings 18:20

To people like this, money is more important than their fellow men. Riches can be a snare.
I Tim. 6:6-10


Physical riches can’t save anyone, but many people put their own well-being first, above the well being of others.
Luke 12:16-21

To these types of people, the end justifies the means. Christians should know that needing money does not justify stealing. Nor does it justify legalized gambling or legalized drug use. The death of Jesus on the cross brought salvation to mankind, but it did not justify Judas’ betrayal of the Christ.

Acts 1:16-20

It did not justify the Jew’s action at the crucifixion.

Acts 2:22-23

Next, we see the Priest and the Levite, who have the attitude that “What is mine is mine”.

They have the philosophy of every man for himself. This is a  common attitude of the religious class of that day. They were lovers of themselves.

II Tim 3:2

They are often too busy in their own duties to get involved in helping out their fellow man. The Levite and the priest feel like they didn’t cause the man’s unfortunate circumstances, so they felt no obligation or responsibility for the man’s welfare. In other words, they neglected an opportunity to do good. Not doing the good you know needs to be done is a sin.
James 4:17


How can you have faith without doing good?
James 2:14-16


If you ignore the poor, how can God’s love be in you?
I John 3:16-18


The Christian is supposed to do good to all men as the opportunity arises.
Gal. 6:10

By their inaction, the priest and the Levite have consented to a crime.

Hos 6:9


By our inaction in situations where we see need, but ignore it, we should remember that our own sins will visit us.
Pr. 21:13

Finally, we see the Samaritan. His attitude is the attitude Christians should have. “What is mine is yours”.  Do to others what you would have done to you.

Mt 7:12

The Samaritan took the time to help.  He didn’t say “I just don’t have the time.” He did not withhold his own goods, saying “I will need them later.” Nor did he say “I’m not adequately supplied.” He did something.

He did not wait around for somebody else to help. He did not check out the character of the man to see if he was deserving of help. He just saw a man in need of aid, and helped him. No questions asked.


No worry about the man being able to return the favor. This is how we are all supposed to act, if we are Christians, even if it is your worst enemy needing help.

Rom. 12:20

Go and do likewise. Do we only do good to those who are nice to us?

Lk 6:32-36


A man is justified by his works
James 2:24


We must have mercy on the poor.
Prov 14:21


We have all now been shown how a Christian is supposed to treat all other human beings, what will we do with this lesson?

Micah 6:8

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