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Finding Contentment


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Finding Contentment


Paul’s attitude about his life was good. He was content with the life he had been given.

Philippians 4:10-14


So how can we find this contentment that Paul had found? One thing I have noticed in my years of teaching, is that every kid has a different idea about which classes are the good classes and which classes are the bad ones. When we dig deep to find out why, we discover a very simple answer. The good classes are the ones the kids like and the bad classes are the ones they don’t like.  In other words, it is their attitude toward the class that makes the difference in how much they like the class.


People make religion hard by their attitude.  Some folks make themselves miserable because they see religion as a long list of laws impossible to keep. Other folks enjoy the opportunity to serve both God and their fellow man.

Romans 13:8-10


Some people are not content because they have an attitude of carelessness. How many times have you ever asked someone to do a job for you, then realized that you had made a mistake?  You asked the wrong person because that person really doesn’t care about doing the job? 

A careless attitude comes from a lack of interest. Paul told Timothy to diligently study the teachings of God.

II Timothy 2:15


He didn’t tell Timothy to depend on other people reading and telling him what the Word said. He was to study it himself and find out for himself. This is being diligent, not careless. 


What did Peter have to say? 

II Peter 1: 5 - 11


After listing a number of character traits Christians must have, Peter states that it takes effort to improve ourselves. He tells us that by improving ourselves we are more assured of salvation. 


It is sad to see people playing at religion.  These folks will gather with the saints when it is convenient for them. They do some good when it suits them. With people like this, though, you can see from a mile off that their heart is not truly in it. Small problems tend to creep up in their lives. These problems grow and fester, and their joy in life decays, and they can’t figure out why it is happening to them.


This  comes from a lack of healthy fear of the consequences for their actions. They have forgotten to fear God because He can destroy.

Luke 12:4-5


Some people just don’t believe that God will really punish the wicked, so they become careless with God’s commands.


Some have an attitude of fearing everything, but it is the wrong type of fear. We should fear God because of His great power and might. We should not fear anything in this world at all. 

 I John 4:17-21


Have you ever seen a person suddenly faced with an emergency where they need to make a quick decision, but they are unsure which one is best? They tend to freeze up. They are unable to move or even to think, because they know they have to make the right choice, but aren’t confident enough to make one? This is due to fear. 


All fear is not wrong. We need a healthy respect for dangerous situations and dangerous things. However, there are those who see a conspiracy around every corner. That is an unhealthy fear. Isaiah 8:12-13


Fearing what others might think about you is an unhealthy fear.

Isaiah 51:7


Some of us spend every waking moment worried about what someone else thinks about what we do or say. Worried if we have made someone angry. Worried if people like us or not. 


This is an unhealthy fear. Who cares what other people think of us, as long as we are doing what God said to do? 


Even a fear of threats from the world around us is unhealthy.

I Peter 3:14


Fearing God is a healthy fear. Remember what we read in Luke 12:4-5 about fearing God? 


Some folks get so wrapped up in the fear that they will do  something wrong, that they forget Jesus’ very next words.

Luke 12:6-9


God cares for His people. Yes, we must hold God in solemn respect, but we must never forget that He loves us.


Some people have an attitude of defeat.  Some people will give good effort on a task, but they don’t deal with setbacks or failures well. If it gets too hard for them, they will toss the work aside in disgust. God does not intend for religion to be hard.

Matthew 11:28-30


The Pharisees in an attempt to define religion better than God, made religion harder than God had made it.

Matthew 23:1-4


God wants us to obey His commandments, but they are not difficult ones.

I John 5:3


The difference between a child of Satan and a child of God is that the child of God practices obedience. 

I John 3:4-10


The child of Satan wallows in evil. At times he might do what is right, but he doesn’t stay in the right because he has no desire to do so. The child of God rejoices in truth. At times he might do what is wrong, but he doesn’t stay in the wrong because he has no desire to be apart from God. The point is that neither the child of Satan or the child of God never ever does the contrary behavior, but the emphasis is on where the person places effort to remain.


So how do we grow a better attitude? 


We must decide that we are going to be happy.

Isaiah 61:10-11


We should never forget that the Lord is on our side.

Psalm 28:7


We should always rejoice because we have been reconciled to God.

Romans 5:11


Always rejoice in the Lord.

Philippians 4:4-7


Rejoice in our hope.

I Peter 1:3-9


A happy heart does a person good.

Proverbs 15:15

Proverbs 17:22


Be at peace.

II Peter 3:14


Wisdom’s ways are pleasant and peaceful.

Proverbs 3:17


The spiritually minded person enjoys life and peace.

Romans 8:6

Romans 14:17


In Jesus we have peace.

John 16:33


We are comforted by God, even through difficult times.

II Corinthians 1:3-7


The wisdom from God creates peace.

James 3:17-18


Therefore, we should always love God.

I John 4:16-18


God will protect us from evil.

Psalm 121


God cares about His children, so we should leave the future in His hands and not worry about it.

Matthew 6:31-34


Love is the basis of God’s law.

Matthew 22:37-40


We should also love our fellow man.

I John 4:20


Love is from God.

I John 4:7-8


Therefore, we should turn our view from inward to outward. Philippians 2:3-4


Our lives reflect our attitude toward life. We can make our lives difficult and hard, or we can find joy, peace, and love in every corner. Even during times of struggle. 


Paul was content in his life, because He recognized everything we have learned today to be true. 

II Corinthians 12: 10

I Timothy 6: 6 - 8


Hopefully, we will allow ourselves to find this same contentment through our growth in the Word God has given to us. 


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