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#PelosiMustGo trending

Coach Rab

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This hashtag is trending on Twitter... and I am pretty sure it is Democrats pounding her more than Republicans.

Most common things I am seeing, "She refused to impeach Bush, and she refused to impeach Trump.  She only did so because she was forced to and it was too late."

"Why has she been in office for 33 years and is just now defending the rights of Black people?"

One girl said "Pelosi is doing what she has to for the American people."  That poor girl was hammered by Liberals... literally hammered.  

It's hilarious... go check it out.  https://twitter.com/search?q=%23PelosiMustGo&src=trend_click

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Pelosi may receive a visit at her house from a happy go lucky mob of peaceful protesters. 
Of course, the rioters....errr, protesters will have to find a way over the wall to actual damage the house, but they’ll also have to outsmart Pelosi’s armed guards once over the way.

You know those Liberals always talk about hating walls and guns, but they sure do seem to have a lot of both those things protecting them at all times..

This world is one confusing place!

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