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God's Exclusive Kingdom


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God’s Exclusive Kingdom


When Jesus was meeting privately with Pilate, He told Pilate about His Kingdom.

John 18:33-37


In the broadest definition, God’s Kingdom is over all.

Psalm 103: 19


However, in it’s more restrictive sense, God’s Kingdom is made up of those who hear and submit to the Word.

John 18: 36 - 37


This shows us very clearly that God’s Kingdom is an exclusive one. It is limited or restricted to those who believe and obey. Today, we want to look at the Kingdom and identify some things that demonstrate the exclusive nature of God’s Kingdom. 


First, we note that God’s Kingdom excludes those who have not been born again. 

John 3: 3 - 5


Here we see that being born again requires water and Spirit. This is what happens when someone believes and is baptized. 

Romans 6: 3 - 4


Baptism, or immersion in water is absolutely necessary and required for one to become a part of God’s Kingdom.

Mark 16: 16

Acts 2: 38


Baptism washes our sins away.

Acts 22: 16

Colossians 2: 11 - 13


In fact, it is baptism that saves us. 

I Peter 3: 21


Not only must we be born of water, but we must be born of the Spirit. To be born of the Spirit means we are born according to His teaching.

Titus 3: 4 - 7


Therefore, anyone who hasn’t been baptized in accordance with the teaching of the Holy Spirit contained in the New Testament is excluded from the Kingdom of God. 



Next we see that the Kingdom of God excludes those who are not righteous.

Matthew 5: 19 - 20


The righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees was superficial. It was done so people could see them doing it and praise them. It was hypocritical and just an act on their part. 

Matthew 23: 23 - 28


It is not enough to just call Jesus Lord and not DO what He says.

Matthew 7: 21 - 23


Therefore, anyone who just goes through the motions and is not serious about righteousness is excluded from the Kingdom of God. 


Next we see that the Kingdom of God excludes those who do not have a childlike humility. 

Matthew 18: 1 - 4


Jesus specifically refers to humility as that childlike characteristic that we all need. Those who are humble do not seek greatness. They see that they are totally dependent on Christ and they will listen and obey. 


Therefore, anyone who does not possess this level of humility is excluded from the Kingdom of God. 


Finally, the Kingdom of God excludes all those who fall away when trials and tribulations occur. 

Acts 14: 21 - 22


Trials and tribulations will happen to all of us who are striving to serve God and obey His commandments. No matter how hard it gets, we must endure and overcome.

II Timothy 3:10 - 15


Therefore, anyone who is unwilling or unable to endure trials and tribulations, or who falls away during tribulations, is excluded from the Kingdom of God. 


It’s very clear to see that God’s Kingdom is an exclusive one. To enter it, one must be born again. To be born again means we repent of our past sins. It means we make a public confession of our faith in Christ as the Messiah, the Son of God. It means we are immersed in water to have our past sins washed away. It means we will strive our best to live faithful lives in service to Him, following the example set for us by the First Century Christians. 



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