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We want to begin today by reading from Luke.

Luke 16: 1 - 14


Here, Jesus is addressing the topic of stewardship. Stewardship refers to how we take care of the things God has given to us. Hearing Jesus speak this way greatly displeased those who were lovers of money. We want to look at stewardship today because it is actually a very prominent theme throughout the Bible. This is because everything in existence belongs to God. 

Psalm 24: 1


Nothing in reality belongs to us at all. We are simply stewards, watching over the things God blesses us with. He entrusted us to take care of His things, and He will hold us accountable. So what are we stewards of? We’ll take the rest of the lesson to answer that very important question. 


First, we are stewards of our material goods. We have been given many material blessings by God. We are blessed with food. We are blessed with clothing. We are blessed with shelter. We may have been blessed with land, with cars, with cash. Anything we possess was given to us by God. 

He expects us to use these material blessings to provide for ourselves and for our family. 

I Thessalonians 4: 9 - 12

I Timothy 5: 8


He also expects us to use these material blessings to take care of those in need. 

Ephesians 4: 28

James 1: 27

Galatians 6: 10


Finally, He expects us to use our material blessings to give financial support to those doing His work through a local congregation of saints.

I Corinthians 16: 1 - 2

Proverbs 3: 9 - 10


Next, we see that we are stewards of Biblical truth. Paul pictures himself and his colleagues as such stewards. 

I Corinthians 4: 1 - 2


God has entrusted the Truth to His children.

Jude 1: 3


This is a sacred trust and we must handle His Truth in the correct manner.

II Timothy 2: 15


We handle it correctly by keeping it in its proper context. We handle it correctly by paying attention to the audience being spoken to or who is doing the speaking. We handle it correctly by not adding to or subtracting from what God has revealed in His Word. We handle it correctly by speaking where the Bible speaks, and remaining silent where the Bible is silent. We must be good stewards in handling His word, because He is going to hold us accountable.

II Peter 2: 1 - 3


Next we see that we are stewards of our body and of our spirit. Our bodies belong to God. Our spirits belong to God. Like everything else, they are only entrusted to us. 

I Corinthians 6: 19 - 20


So if we are living in sin, we are abusing the body that God entrusted to us.

I Corinthians 6: 15 - 18


Even though both body and soul belong to God, we need to place an emphasis on our souls. 

John 6: 27


This is because the most valuable thing God has entrusted us with is our immortal souls. Jesus tells us the value of our souls in Matthew. 

Matthew 16: 26


Next, we are stewards of the souls of others. We may ask ourselves how we are responsible for the souls of others. Remember Cain? 

Genesis 4: 9


Yes, we are our brother’s keeper. All saints are entrusted by God to preach and teach the Gospel to those who are lost. 

II Timothy 2: 2


Not everyone is expected to get up in a pulpit and teach. The vast majority are simply expected to talk about the Gospel with their friends, relatives, or co-workers. Like Phillip, we should always be prepared to answer questions in our teaching. 

Acts 8: 34


Not only that, but all saints are entrusted by God to restore those who are in error or in sin.

Galatians 6: 1 - 2

James 5: 19 - 20


Elders are to be leaders in this area. 

Titus 1: 7

Hebrews 13: 17


We should be faithful to whatever stewardship God gives us.

I Corinthians 4: 2


A part of that is being generous with our material prosperity

Proverbs 11: 25

Luke 6: 38

Acts 20: 35


Hopefully, we will begin to work hard to take care of our material goods, of Bible truth, of our body, of our spirit, and of the souls of others. Then, and only then, will we be blessed for being faithful stewards of everything God entrusted to us. Start by taking care of your soul. 



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