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  1. Man Kilgore defense is just as good if not better than Carthage
    3 points
  2. We sure don’t! Just sit in the stands, there are 100’s of super bowl worthy coaches! Just listen to em. They all have the solution to get the W!
    2 points
  3. I understand they are somewhat better this year than last. I believe they picked up 3 first downs against us in round 1 last year. Score was 49-0 at the end of the first quarter if I remember correctly. They were not very big and not very physical, but they made up for that by being very slow. Garrison can name their score in this one.
    2 points
  4. Noticed that in real time. He followed the played, blew it dead, and then turned around to throw the flag.
    2 points
  5. Good luck to yall in the tournament. Looking forward to watching yalls run.
    2 points
  6. Man ur just being a homer, I think y’all defense is good but top to bottom I’ll take Kilgore. Both front 7 are about equal but I think their backend is a little better
    2 points
  7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12710855/Pro-Palestine-march-Washington-DC.html where is the condemnation from the leftards????
    1 point
  8. 75 yards....42 seconds..... TOUCHDOWN.....now all our rookies gotta figure out how to do it on the road.... including our rookie OC.....
    1 point
  9. If somebody ever calls them boys the Texaints it won't be me. Today they turndt from boys to mens. TrueStorie
    1 point
  10. I guarantee you Texas and OU admin and officials could launch an investigation against the Big 12 for conspiring in these games and they would win. It’s becoming more and more obvious each week.
    1 point
  11. The only PI call that Oklahoma got yesterday was one that the ref threw the flag after he saw our WR made the catch anyways.
    1 point
  12. Triple Option out of the pistol with minimum 6 blockers every play....I too can't remember the last time we've faced it. Will probably take a little time for the defense to adjust but we'll be fine. Where Porter is actually in big trouble is when Longview has the ball. Longview may have two 100 yard rushers Friday.
    1 point
  13. Something has changed. We seem to run the same plays over and over. I do remember earlier in the season seeing them spread the ball better. I played a lil bit of jv football back in the day and even i can predict our next play. Defensive minded coaches shut us down with the predictable play calling. At times i think we don’t know what play to call so we resort to hoping brisbon or Stewart can break loose.
    1 point
  14. Well Doomer center should feel right at home there since they are both purple. Will the press box still play purple rain everyime center scores?
    1 point
  15. Newton in an epic woodshedding ....
    1 point
  16. Teague vs West will be a good one to watch in waco
    1 point
  17. Could set records for the most points scored in a high school game.
    1 point
  18. Caint wait till Hurtz finds out he's been writing checks his axe caint cash out! Old boy gonna look like Leroy Brown......a couple a pieces gone.
    1 point
  19. Been there many times michaelmyers it's the Hallsville Bobcats!
    1 point
  20. Maybe Carthel from SFA? He seems to have turned that program around .....
    1 point
  21. I watched about 3 quarters of this game and that was a thorough humbling of Chapel Hill, no two ways around it....Kilgore is the real deal and a bonafide state contender The blue Bulldogs will have to do some soul searching because the last three weeks or so they've looked like something just isn't right....it just seems off
    1 point
  22. I don’t see it either…just can’t let them hang around. I am absolutely certain they have not seen a defense like ours.
    1 point
  23. They streamed all of their games on YouTube on Edgewood ISD YouTube page via of Hudl Focus they got all their Home Games that they played this year from Commerce Grand Saline Elkhart and West Rusk and Quitman.
    1 point
  24. Speaking of heist movies........Inside man
    1 point
  25. Had to watch it on Pluto because my cheap butt didn't want to pay $2.99 to rent. Anyways good heist movie.
    1 point
  26. Homie got jokes welcome to the big kid playground be careful and don't get run over
    1 point
  27. I honestly don’t think the buyout is the holdup. I think they’re trying to get a consensus on who they want to pursue if they do pull the trigger, and what do they do to make it happen. Let’s say they pull the trigger on Jimbo. Then what do they tell their #1 guy when they offer him a deal that makes sense? Cuz if I’m that guy, I’m saying “ok you fired that guy that you threw Nick Saban money at, but now you want me to come in and build you a winner for half that, and get thrown under the bus if I don’t? That’s an Aggie joke.” Truthfully, A&M has painted themselves into a corner with this mess.
    1 point
  28. LSU gotta kid named Major Burns and I get this image every time they say his name.....
    1 point
  29. And that’s great for y’all haha. The pissing contest is what’s dumb. I don’t care how many the Astros had or how few people watched the WS. The Rangers won and that’s all I care about lol.
    1 point
  30. A whole group of us didn’t go because we couldn’t get off work. If you were there before 9 traffic was so bad you would have missed the parade. Astros fans are just salty for some odd reason. For an organization that has 2* championships they sure do care about what the Rangers do.
    1 point
  31. Is Murphy the second coming of Christ? No. Have we won both games he’s played in? Yes. He’s the backup for a reason with zero experience and frankly that’s the card we’ve been dealt. What do you expect? You want to bench him to put in *checks notes* a freshman who also has zero experience and not a single college snap? Y’all can sit here and complain about how bad he is all you want and it’s lipstick on a pig or whatever, but he’s 2-0 as a starter after playing bad to terrible football. I’ll gladly take that. Sometimes I think some of y’all would rather lose than win ugly. Y’all are what makes this fan base insufferable. Take the W, be happy and move on.
    1 point
  32. I knew something was up and yeah you’re right that’s not like Van. Y’all are a usually a disciplined team. I hope they got it out of their system because y’all are to good of a team and think y’all will make a long run in the playoffs.
    1 point
  33. If Jeffy gets the qb involved running the ball. It'll greatly improve Jeffy's chances of winning. Potts team speed is slow. Jeffy will have the athletes to beat them but will need a good game plan to make it happen.
    1 point
  34. He's a great runner. He is old school. Keeps his knees high, legs always churning, and runs north and south. He learned early that the goal line is straight ahead, NOT on the sideline. Good young man from everything I've seen and heard. Good job mom.
    1 point
  35. If I understand the brackets, Iowa Colony would face Lindale in round 2.
    1 point
  36. It ain’t happening here. Hooks will walk away with this one. I have Hooks winning the Region.
    1 point
  37. Did you expect SH to score 30 vs PG tonight? No trash points either. All vs starting D. I was in Carthage last week and watched Carthage & Van. If PG & Carthage face off, I think Carthage will run for 300+ yards and throw for 200+. Dawgs will score plenty. The only question is can Carthage make some stops vs the talented PG offense. I think they will and Carthage wins by 10-14 points.
    1 point
  38. I just hate when they lump us all in together just because we look alike. SMH. Longview gonna Longview..
    1 point
  39. Talent? This isnt one rough season, it is 3. We arent talking about just Varsity wins, we dont win at any level. Funny how fast the "talent" dried up from 7th to 12th grade. hey, at least we are talented in getting penalties.
    1 point
  40. The 220+ programs in the Smoaky.com historical section are now visible with their updated coaching staff and program information. And the year-by-year history of each program that we have and in many cases the all-time stats leaders for a single-game, season and career. Any and all revisions or additions need to be sent to me ([email protected]). https://www.smoaky.com/records/toc-new.php Thank you. Smoaky
    1 point
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