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Bussey was the reason Timpson won the last few games against Garrison, without Bussey, Garrison wins those games ....3 points
3 points
2020 Game moved to Beckville because of Hurricane Laura. Joaquin won 8-6. 2021 Game played at Joaquin. First game on new turf. Beckville won 50-39. 2022 Game played at Beckville. Won 42-41 2023 Game moved to Beckville. Joaquin new concession and rest rooms not ready. Also had storm damage that week. Beckville won 60-27.2 points
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2 points
And u can’t take a dump in private, in the visitor side restroom. lol2 points
Tatum Eagles Scrimmages Harmony - Home Henderson - There Non-District Week 1 - Winnsboro - TBD Week 2 - Daingerfield - TBD Week 3 - Newton - TBD Week 4 - West Rusk - TBD District Week 5 - Sabine - H Week 6 - Liberty Eylau - A Week 7 - Bye Week 8 - Gladewater - H Week 9 - Atlanta - A Week 10 - White Oak - H Week 11 - Jefferson - A2 points
Region 2 ? Dang,do we even know anyone in region 2 ? Well let me introduce myself, they call me chain and I'm a highschool football addict,they say the first step in breaking addiction is admitting you are. Welcome to the truth...woooooooo..hahaha let's get this bad boy started ol son1 point
I'm hearing Gunter vs Franklin could be in talks for week 4 but it's not confirmed yet1 point
Thanks! Doing ok. Life has kinda pulled me away from being as much into HS football as I used to be (and only winning 2-3 games every year didn't exactly help lol.) Hope all is well with you as well.1 point
That was during the football season doesn't mean he hasn't gone since even though I haven't heard that, to be honest it wouldn't bother me if he did go some folks you just have to cut loose...lol1 point
He went to Evangel for a visit but wasn't accepted for what ever reason, he fininished the season at Waskom.1 point
There's not enough room in the schools to put in all the bathrooms for all of the genders that people claim there are.1 point
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I’m sure they will in 2025. When making out a schedule you take into account trying to get an equal number of home and away games each year if possible. Beckville is a 35 minute drive for us. Playing there is not a big deal.1 point
1 point
Not all, but are losing a lot. Doesn't mean hg will win the district because they return almost everyone. Hg returned the house last year & it still didn't matter lol. Cooper runs this district until somebody can prove otherwise .1 point
Turning into one of those deals that, unless you have a large twitter following and have sold a book, you gotta go take some of the really bad jobs and hope for 4 wins.1 point
I look forward to another great year from CH. Notice the trend as of lately. Two semi-final game and a state championship game. I do not see us winning the ship without some changes on offense. When we get deep and reach those outstanding defenses and coaches, they shut us down. Vanilla play calling. Too predictable. If we can spread the ball with some sort passing game and get away from brisbin/stewart run right run left i like our chances of a state title. The talent is in place.1 point
Yeah, we are gonna keep talking about how poorly the government run education system functions and say, "but if they'd just give us some more money".1 point
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Jt dropped longview for Dallas seaglee something like that lol who?1 point
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I was hoping Maud, James Bowie, and idk maybe LK. Competitive games before the grinder.1 point
Here’s what I have on Joaquin: 1 Frankston 2 @ Beckville 3 Tenaha 4 @ Grand Saline 5 Corrigan-Camden HC District 11AA D1 will be added later1 point
I never disliked Richters. He was a great guy. His staff….and his decision making…. Yikes.1 point
Ain’t nobody scared! Except for HKS, they’re done floating around all them District titles. But hell, this could be good for them, they may finally make it past the 2nd round! Break the curse of BDB!1 point
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That's a ma'am. That's the sammich lady. She makes a mean sammich.....and keeps stats like a G.1 point
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They would run through a brick wall for him that’s for sure.1 point
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I gotta say......definitely the first time I've seen any of these teams grace a district thread on Smoaky lol1 point
Scrimmage - Texas High (at Longview) Week 1 - Lufkin Week 2 - Marshall Week 3 - South Oak Cliff Week 4 - Ruston Week 5 - Off Week 6 - vs Rockwall Week 7 - at Forney Week 8 - vs Tyler Legacy Week 9 - at Rockwall Heath Week 10 - vs North Forney Week 11 - at Royse City1 point
But they won’t get the calls that they get in their home stadium. When they don’t play at home they get penalized more then at home1 point
In those days it was about the only game you could see on TV if you wanted to see a game you had to go there, in my case to the dome1 point
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