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  1. no ill be honest theres no discipline out there, half assed tackling, stupid penalties, tonight the team looked like last years team, they eliminated themselves, east chambers came to play and they got it done, theres no excuses to be said, I said the same thing last year too so lets just admit it when you see half the team standing together for the school song and the rest pouting you know theres a problem, but you cant get it out of these peoples heads.
  2. they will come around this game was the motivation we need to take to the postseason.
  3. I waited until this game to break my silence, and I like what I saw tonight, way to GO YOE! And I was happy to see the Yoe crowd come out in full force, Glad to see things are back on track.
  4. My final post of the year is here, when we get the kind of coaching we need in Cameron we could be back where we need to be, almost anything would be an improvement of this wasted season, hopefully the changes I hear that are coming will come, theres a lot of time to see if that will happen, see yall next year when its football time again. Best of luck to everyone Happy New Year everyone. I would love to see the right thing done in Yoe Nation and its obvious what needs to be done.
  5. I think this is yea. home of the fighting hoboes
  6. he was turning it around, they had a GREAT coach and lost him in Fedora so feel sorry for whoever gets it honestly.
  7. thats what makes champions tho it got ugly the other way after being down 21-0
  8. With the whole team coming back Newton at their best can beat probably anybody so im sure they will gladly accept the challenge of defending the title!
  9. Wow Newton came with it tonight, when I seen them against boling, and tonight it didn't look nothing like that game. Congrats Eagles!
  10. I need to call Vegas and make some bets I was 1 point off
  11. 15 yard penalty on coach miller = trash refs
  12. Crawford can qb also, that man has to be involved is the key, I had to say it again.
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