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  1. North Lamar. End of thread
  2. Been there since elementary school
  3. Pg whole game lies in this fact. Been saying it all year. Oline has got to grow up
  4. Also Gameday didn’t start streaming until Covid hit. Originally they really only did pregame and post game content along with some video work.
  5. Wrong. Pg didn’t pay for coverage. It worked on business sponsorships and any school could have said yes. Gameday took all of the risk
  6. Its on Texarkana Friday Night Lights
  7. The problem was scoring too fast on big plays. Didn’t let defense rest. They were done in second overtime
  8. They will have to play over their heads and get some breaks too
  9. 1. Changed the offense 2. Really young team got enough reps to get a little better. Only have 7 seniors
  10. Pg defense isn’t the issue. The offense is the concern. They cannot sustain long drives. They. A score but They score on big plays and put the D right back on the field. When that happens the D runs out of gas. That what happened against Kilgore for PG to win, they HAVE to drive the ball and I’m not sure they can
  11. I think it’s 7 but either way it’s not many
  12. It won’t if it puts ur defense on field too fast and too often. Defense was gassed against Kilgore because of how fast offense scored
  13. Depends on the offense. Can’t just throw a bunch of deep jump balls and hope they work. Ha e to have sustained drives that eat clock and let defense rest. Big plays are fun but they just put the D right back in the field and we aren’t deep enough for that. Just look at the Kilgore game for proof.
  14. and Carthage stays in Region 2
  15. Ty was a position coach at PG in '19, when we won our most recent state championship. After that season, our DC went to Kilgore and Ty was promoted to CO-DC. He is a great coach and an even better man. He is high energy and high discipline. He will make a difference with your football team but in your community as well. He is very relational with the other coaches as well as the players. You guys hit the jackpot! Now, get behind him and go to work. I'm exicted to follow the bulldogs now!!!!!
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