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Everything posted by Monte1076

  1. I see Barry rolled his eyes...but I wonder what his answer to that question would be...
  2. Does that mean that the diary is Ashley Biden's, and that the contents are true? Ask yourself this: If people keep diaries, do they lie in them?
  3. I'm sorry guys, but this is hilarious. https://notthebee.com/article/kari-lakes-team-spent-all-night-arguing-with-the-babylon-bee-and-it-was-a-sight-to-behold
  4. Herp-a-derps painting their "water guns" to look like real ones, and one goober almost got taken out for real... https://notthebee.com/article/police-are-asking-teenagers-to-stop-playing-the-viral-game-senior-assassins-before-someone-gets-hurt https://abc7chicago.com/what-is-senior-assassin-high-school-game-water-gun-concealed-carry-holder/14642305/
  5. https://notthebee.com/article/chinese-immigrant-who-escaped-communism-ends-gun-debate-by-asking-this-simple-question-during-david-hogg-event-qa Her question:
  6. https://notthebee.com/article/illegal-immigrant-unable-to-rob-bank-as-he-doesnt-know-how-to-say-put-the-money-in-the-bag-in-english
  7. Lot of military escalations over the past couple of years.
  8. Welp... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/iran-has-launched-drone-attacks-at-israel-u-s-officials-say/ar-BB1lzsYV?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=1c92c84ffc9c451797fe096419077543&ei=42
  9. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/smallbusiness/san-francisco-is-going-to-make-it-illegal-for-stores-to-close/ss-BB1lvBAr?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=918f5c210ae2463c9692bbf9d9f3f66e&ei=25
  10. This is the problem with a lot of government officials who say, "You can trust us."
  11. Initially happened in California. Why am I not surprised? https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/supreme-court-unanimously-rules-against-exorbitant-government-fees/ar-BB1lzo5C?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=918f5c210ae2463c9692bbf9d9f3f66e&ei=14
  12. Proof? And very few politicians make appearances like this unless they are carefully coordinated. Do "unfriendlies" slip through? Sure. But you know as well as I do these things are usually carefully planned.
  13. I worded the title that way on purpose...
  14. No. I'm equating the Biden administration and some of his leftist voters with the hyenas.
  15. Yes, they were with Scar, but they made things worse before they killed Scar. Remember?
  16. They seem to like changing the definitions of words. I seem to recall a very famous book where something very similar happened. Things in that book were ungood for most people.
  17. Would that make Biden the hyenas that essentially destroyed everything after Scar killed Mufasa?
  18. There's a speaker icon in the upper right of it. You have to click that to hear it.
  19. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/i-don-t-see-it-as-unfair-president-joe-biden-is-canceling-another-7-4b-in-student-loans-for-277-000-borrowers-as-18-states-push-to-sue-over-the-save-program/ar-BB1lwYuD?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=22010defa3d84bb29b5a78b57968be8b&ei=20
  20. See, I think racism exists. But actual, real racism. I'm VERY skeptical (especially nowadays) about what many in the media and in the Democratic party deem "systemic racism" or "institutional racism". I don't believe, like a lot of people seem to, that everything is racist. I mean, we've had people say math, classical music, keeping an organized pantry, a schedule, and many, many more things is racist. From what I understand, there are people who believe that if you're white and date outside your own race that you're racist, AND if you don't date outside your own race you're also racist. Explain that one. I also believe ANY race can be racist.
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