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Everything posted by Monte1076

  1. https://babylonbee.com/news/democrat-senators-oppose-diversity-for-one-day-only
  2. I don't wanna know what someone else says. I want YOUR explanation of how the driver could have made the kill shot.
  3. https://notthebee.com/article/democratic-party-official-in-florida-arrested-for-child-porn
  4. Supposed to be for "extra credit". But what happens if a student decides to email the lawmaker in favor of the bill? Would they still get the extra credit? https://notthebee.com/article/a-mom-in-vancouver-wa-says-her-sons-teacher-gave-students-an-assignment-email-lawmakers-and-tell-them-you-oppose-hb-1584--which-would-return-the-state-to-in-person-voting
  5. https://notthebee.com/article/please-enjoy-this-video-of-rfk-body-slamming-bernie-sanders-on-healthcare
  6. Should I get 10 years' worth of property taxes refunded for homeschooling my kid?
  7. Here's one at 480 frames per second: And here's one at normal speed...
  8. So how did he supposedly do it? Don't point me to a video. YOU explain how the driver did it. The funny thing is I knew that when the Zapruder film was mentioned that at some point, like on the FE thread, the assertion would be made that the film was doctored. So what about all the people who witnessed it live? Were they in on it, too? How about the Space Shuttle Challenger accident? Was that somehow faked, too?
  9. I was waiting on "it was doctored footage!!" Whatever you're on, can I have some of it?
  10. I'm kinda surprised we haven't heard some people say that it was Jackie herself that did it.
  11. She climbed onto the trunk to help the secret service guy, I think.
  12. I have to wonder if some of you understand how entry and exit wounds work. And basic physics.
  13. Don't believe me? See for yourself: https://www.usdebtclock.org/
  14. https://babylonbee.com/news/democrats-once-again-concerned-about-who-will-pick-their-crops
  15. https://babylonbee.com/news/thank-god-president-trump-pledges-100-billion-in-aid-for-babylon-bee-to-develop-a-third-joke
  16. https://babylonbee.com/news/hero-illinois-governor-vows-to-eat-an-extra-large-deep-dish-meat-lovers-pizza-every-day-until-trump-is-stopped
  17. https://babylonbee.com/news/senators-pause-rfk-hearing-to-announce-this-next-round-of-questions-is-brought-to-you-by-pfizer
  18. https://babylonbee.com/news/single-men-begin-dressing-as-illegal-aliens-hoping-kristi-noem-will-detain-them
      • 1
      • LOL!
  19. https://notthebee.com/article/republicans-in-congress-propose-to-add-donald-trump-to-mount-rishmore
  20. that still doesn't explain how the limo driver shot JFK...
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