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Everything posted by dogs3505

  1. From what I head from people close to the situation its a dumpster fire. Down to about 3 or 4 coaches left on staff, AD resigned over the weekend. Was once a good job but tough now.
  2. any news on this one? Kinda went cold.
  3. any of them that get a new HC and say hes the next coming of jesus until they lose their first couple of games and they want to go in a new direction.......rinse and repeat
  4. TASA says the screening would be on April 11 but that was the only definitive date.
  5. This is why I love it. If I'm at a school such as Grandview, Brock, Aledo, Denton Ryan.....Someone who is extremely talented, you can run pretty much anything and be successful. When you go to the Bartlett, Hubbard, Trenton, Turners or someone who historically doesnt have the guns to go out there and compete in just any offense its a HUGE equalizer. I've been on both sides of it. Run what will work for the situation you are in. You know if your school is gonna struggle or not, run the struggle offense to help them out. You will win games you have a chance and have a chance in games youre not supposed to.
  6. thats the one problem with it. you fall behind you stay behind, especially if you are under center. Obviously this is based off of MY experience and I'm sure theres a better way to say it but we would have to get out of our comfort zone if down too much.
  7. is this 'boards going in another direction' or is he just off to greener pastures.
  8. agreed, youre a lot closer than any of us, was just posing a possibility. I've heard on the streets a former successful coach of the indians is an applicant.
  9. or they didnt get the amount of applicants they thought they were going to get?
  10. listen, being hostile on a message board doesnt make you cool. I'm not in on it, just interested in who is.
  11. I've been apart of several games and meets with them. kids compete hard but there just isnt much there.
  12. Great read Mr. Puckett I was recently at a place that was a 'flexbone' team. We ran that but we also ran the Wishbone.....ALOT. You can do all the things out of the bone that you can from the flex. Its a great system that translates. Teams struggled against us because we could get into Flex with or wthout a TE, Wishbone, unbalanced wishbone, and spread. The plays were the same, I bet we didnt have more than 15-20 plays, but the looks gave people fits. The only thing we ever struggled with was when the flex was out of the pistol it just seemed to hit too slow for us.
  13. other sports chief. They are really good 2A baseball, mediocre in 3A. Same with Basketball.
  14. I know they are talented when they go to 2A but struggle bad in 3A. Hows it look then next few years?
  15. yep, AD contracts in march, teachers late this month or next month, teacher's have been getting pushed back further and further since I started. We havent been getting contracts til late april/early may the past few years. With the shortage getting worse, this will be an interesting year. It is really hard to plan the way they have been pushing it. When I first started it was late march early april when you knew. Now AD's are getting canned at those times and the rest of us are left scrambling.
  16. I could be wrong but wouldnt just creating a 7A do the same thing theoretically
  17. Did it. DC, Head Powerlifting, Head Track, Assistant AD, Strength and Conditioning Coordinator, US history teacher, Field guy, bus guy, etc. Made 55k. Would have topped out at 70. Stipend was 5k plus days. Its not for everyone.
  18. So, again, you're taking one situation and using it to blanket statement this whole situation. A coach who has gone for 27 years doesnt deserve 65k? If he still does his job he does, but most coaches havent done it that long and dont make that much. Most coaches at these schools are coaching 3-4 sports, teaching (loose term) 4-5 classes, and may even have some sort of maintenance duty they keep up with. I've been involved in a few of them myself, most coaches I had was 10 boys coaches at a 3A and we still all did 3 sports and made the golden 65k you speak of. Never did at 2A, even though I did WAY more work. You also have a good day bro.
  19. This one has always been a bit much to me but they also have upwards of 300 kids on a football program and such. 6 boys and 3 girls with some of the outlier sports such as tennis getting a regular teacher to watch them is the norm at 2A.
  20. I feel like ive said this to you before, but this is a gross misuse of information that isnt remotely true for majority of small schools. I can tell you with absolute certainty that having 9 male coaches on a 2a staff is not the norm. 1 or 2 women coaches for 4 to 5 sports? Really? And then to say they make 65k is laughable. You should be more informed before making your opinions known.
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