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  1. According to LinkedIn he is a financial advisor and has no coaching background so take that for what it is.
  2. I've heard the search is over the job has been offered and accepted. They must be waiting on the regular school board meeting to make the hire.
  3. I 1000% agree I didn't want to say that he under achieved almost every year but since you did. I do hope he can finally elevate a team. Unfortunately he has never proven to be able to. The one thing he does have going is an absolutely terrible district that they should at least make the playoffs in. I guess another question did cumby even post the job to see if they could attract a young and hungry coach? Or is this just set up to the hands the reins over to his son in a year or two?
  4. But did you elevate those teams with less talent? Green only goes how far talent can carry him. He doesnt make teams better. Just look at this past season in cumby statistically the worst defensive season for the Trojans in their sad history in terms of ppg. All I'm saying is the X's and O's have passed him by a long time ago. Hire good assistants and let them coach. He can yell 6 hammer all he wants when he's not near the football team lol.
  5. Love how this thread has been hijacked by cooper faithful but this is might be the most conversation a cumby post has gotten
  6. Green, I'm sure does a great job in the director duties. He is tied with Mckamy with most wins at cooper with 59 and has the longest run as head coach with 11 seasons. So he does something right to stick around. But in terms of coaching football minus our great run from 2010 through 2013 he hasn't accomplished anything of significance. As a matter of fact 1 winning season outside of our run. Without the ship of men as his DC I'm not sure if he ever made the playoffs. All I'm saying is unless there are super talented group guys like my team mates coming through don't expect them to be a powerhouse. Battling for 4th is best case scenario.
  7. I think he'll do good if he puts his ego aside and lets the OC and DC handle play calling and gameplanning. He just handles trying to build toughness.
  8. Not trying to knock greens accomplishments at cooper but our 13 and season as proud as I am of that year. But our district had many similar current 2a teams. Alba, rivercrest, Clarksville, plus the always terrible prairiland and chisum so not world beaters so the competition has been about the same.
  9. He was there 2 years I believe but he has the same pattern to wearing out his stay at all the places he's been.
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong but if memory serves me right we were up 34 to 0 at halftime. Now granted yall did close the gap as we let our foot off the gas in the second half. But onto moving forward if yalls qb stays healthy yall will have a good shot as long as you guys keep running Morris right and Morris left. The kid is gifted. I said if he was at home in cooper where he belongs, there's no telling how far the bulldogs could go. But obviously that isn't the case.
  11. The amount success they will have under him will be based on the quality of the coordinators he brings in. As a member of those good years under green and having friends and family that coach, in terms of X's and O's the game of football has passed him by and he hasn't changed. For cumbys sake let's hope he goes out and finds some good coordinators and lets them run what they want. He can just manage the game and handles the admin duties.
  12. Yeah and I never thought about stepps poin but that makes sense. Also I believe these schools want to hire someone who isn't going to give them headaches while learning how to do the job.
  13. 100% agree
  14. This true a lot of bad programs would rather recycle someone with experience then take a chance on a young up and coming guy.
  15. This is true casto has tied with him now with that 13-1 record. If your looking for experience this was a great hire for cumby who is by no means a powerhouse. Don't expect him to turn them into a contender. They will at best compete for last playoff spot in one of the worst districts in texas. Hopefully he will grow and adapt because he has been stuck in 1989 for the last 25 years as a coach.
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