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BarryLaverty last won the day on February 24 2023

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  1. Sure you would, what with you both being half wits, adding up to a whole brain.
  2. Two weird, obsessed creeps walk into a bar... @Lion7000, what do you do next with your bff DirtBag? Finish the joke.
  3. Tina Peters, the former clerk of Mesa County, Colo., was sentenced on Thursday to nine years in prison after being found guilty in August of tampering with voting machines under her control in a failed attempt to prove that they had been used to rig the 2020 election against former President Donald J. Trump. That was against the LAW.
  4. We barely have started on even having real sex ed in Texas schools, and we are top 10 in teen pregnancy. Focusing on that end might make a difference, instead of the 'abstinence only' endless push.
  5. So, the court of public opinion, in the 'news' you read trumps the actual legal proceedings that go on?
  6. On your best day, you're like dealing with Grampa Simpson at his worst, so I do try to humor you and be gentle on you, because of you being cuckoo and all and very elderly.
  7. Paul Krugman speaks the truth about Trump's complete lack of honesty or integrity in ALL AREAS, so of course the jackasses on the NTB site would enjoy seeing him heckled, as I am sure you do, too.
  8. That was proven in court, somewhere? Did I Miss that big announcement that wasn't just on X? Why are all those people having to pay for the slander, then?
  9. Hadn't quoted Orwell in 30 minutes, huh, bot...bet you were getting sweaty palms.
  10. Within 5 minutes you made me genuinely laugh with one comment, then the next minute you make me laugh AT you for your arrogance and disrespect. Thanks for both, Colin Robinson!
  11. I could have ZERO credibility, training, or education, then I could get an X account, come up with a dumb name, or have notoriety from the past for something, anything really, and say what you wanted to hear or see with a video or a picture or a supposed quote and you would call that JOURNALISM if you agreed with whatever I had to say. No matter the verifiable nature of the content, and that is the truth.
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