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Everything posted by Everide2016

  1. Once again Ewers can’t lead the Horns to the end zone. Sad.
  2. I'm definitely not saying Ewers shouldn't be the man, I'm just saying it's disappointing to have him struggle to put up TDs when they hit the Red Zone after being touted as a top caliber QB and top Heisman contender.
  3. Definitely some merit to what you're saying.
  4. You need to do a little homework if you think Liberty Hill is a has been. Transitioned from 3A up to 5A and has been to two championships in 5A, but no, they haven't won a championship in 5A. To say that is "has been" is idiotic. And LH will always be 2-0 against Carthage, which should have beaten LH both times, but they failed to account for heart, grit, and determination by far inferior athletes.
  5. There's no talking sense to those that have drank the Carthage juice. Liberty Hill runs on 2024 Carthage, same as any other Carthage team.
  6. The fact that Sark brings in Arch so often in the Red Zone says a lot about Ewers inability to close the deal. Sark wouldn't think twice about this if he believed Ewers could put the team in the end zone. For a QB that was touted as a Heisman contender at the start of the year this is very disappointing to me.
  7. 2007 Liberty Hill would donkey stomp both, just like they did Gilmer in 2007 title game. I can remember clearly all the smack talk from Gilmer folks leading up to that game and two minutes into the game they were all staring in disbelief.
  8. We'll see. Too many times this has been the case and Texas finds a way to struggle. And "bad Ewers" is always lurking, waiting to assist in these struggles. I don't see how he is considered a serious NFL caliber player. I will be surprised if he's ever more than a backup in the NFL. Ewers doesn't have the "it" factor. Doesn't pass the smell test. The intangibles aren't there.
  9. Yeah, but every time we say/think that, Texas finds a way to have a struggle and/or problem. Not saying they lose, just so many games they should donkey stomp opponent, but let them hang around 'til the end. It's frustrating.
  10. I sat on visitor's side each time and loved it. I guess it's different for everyone.
  11. Yes, Salado is terrible. 1056 Salado School Rd - Google Maps
  12. I personally like Lampasas' stadium. It's not much to look at, but I've watched several games there and it just had a good feel. But, it is basic, old stands, grass... Link to street view. 208 E Ave B - Google Maps
  13. There is a free 7-day trial on FanDuelSportsNetwork. Easy to pull up on most smart televisions.
  14. Who is broadcasting the championship games?
  15. Unfortunately R4 returns to owning R3 after only one year hiatus.
  16. Remember that time Carthage played the Slot-T Mafia?
  17. PG can't come back from two scores down. Can they?
  18. And Greg Tepper picked Winnsboro.
  19. Doesn't matter. Garbage is still garbage and that's what NFHS delivers in far too many of their broadcasts.
  20. Some will, some won't. NFHS is the worst product imaginable.
  21. I highly recommend watching the PNG broadcast over that farce of a garbage can broadcast that NFHS puts out that buffers every 20 seconds. The UIL should be ashamed for letting NFHS charge to "broadcast" high school games, but neither the UIL or NFHS have enough integrity to care.
  22. Take it however you like. I wasn't saying my opinion is more valuable than your opinion or anyone else. It could be your/my opinion today versus your/my opinion two weeks from now once we've educated ourselves on any topic. Those opinions originally formed when we've seen only the surface do not carry the same weight and/or value as those we have once we've informed ourselves. Nice try throwing in the political jab. That's when you know you've lost your way with something worthwhile to say.
  23. Opinions don't carry equal weight. An educated opinion carries a lot more weight than an off-the-cuff rant, at least in the minds of those that have taken the time to look into what's going on below the surface. Does a town of 500 count as country? Some of the old timers would say of Freer's 95-0 loss, "they looked like they'd been pulled through a knothole backwards."
  24. You say "Good grief!" Dude, it is you that ranted in your original post with... "and of course the mighty Refugio score of 95-0. When does the UIL take control of this fad. I am not a believer in β€œnothing I could do” syndrome that so many coaches throw out . You score 30-40 points in first quarter or 50-60 in first half you know you have the game under control.Teach sportsmanship but score like that on a weaker opponent is not he same. You are helping keep a weak program down instead of a principle I thought most coaches used to abide by- rule of fair play and fair treatment. To an outsider it kind of gives high school football a bad image." Why would you mock a program like Refugio or others without knowing facts. I simply pointed out that Refugio was up 69-0 at half and had a running clock in the second half. Backups playing entire second half. Starting RB touched the ball only three times the entire game and had 3 TDs. What more can the HC do??? And you reply with "good grief" as though those weren't valid reasons showing that a winning team did their part. Just accept that there are going to be games like this every year where there are teams on opposite ends of the spectrum and you could have a coach you hold in highest regard that wouldn't be able to keep the score down without taking his team off the field. Good life lessons can still be learned by both sides.
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