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Mr. P

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Mr. P last won the day on November 14 2023

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About Mr. P

  • Birthday 07/12/1976

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  1. Yeah, I think the reporter messed it up.
  2. In my experience, it varies from program to program.
  3. Asst. AD, not Asst. HC.
  4. Maaaaaaaaan, why y'all rollin' up me like John Gotti, tagging me on a thread in the Political Forum!! Y'all don't want none of this here WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you don't want none of this here, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  5. There are a lot of Lobo alums out there in the coaching world, and the Collins/King coaching tree has a pretty far reach. What up and coming young coach wouldn't want to coach the Lobos? Awesome kids and families. Facilities on a serious come-up. Supportive administration. Passionate fanbase. A brilliant and gorgeous man in upper administration that many have described as a genius.
  6. https://www.lobosfootball.com/coaches-staff On offense there are six position coaches. Oscar "GOAT" Wilson is the Asst. HC and RBs Coach. Chris Vallery was QB Coach in addition to being O.C. That leaves... David Ashley: TEs Coach Jalen Claiborne: WRs Coach Chad Hancock: OL Coach JR Tatum: OL Coach If we were to promote from within, I imagine it would be one of those guys.
  7. I don't know, I would guess it depends on how it's structured. If he was previously an OC, it would seem that Asst. Head Coach is a step up, no? Also would probably depends on how the money and class load works out. None of which I have any insight to.
  8. In the works...
  9. My post with s was about Vallery. He's headed to Henderson as assistant HC, which means Longview appears to have a vacancy at Offensive Coordinator/QB Coach:
  10. It's amazing how little you know about this, and yet are still so bold to comment. Fascinating.
  11. It's crazy what the right hire can do.
  12. Fun fact: Center had a legit shot at the guy 30 minutes north of them back when he was still just an assistant. Imagine what might've been.
  13. Unrelated to this mysterious post, there's some new non-football news as well:
  14. That's nice, but we could plug in any of the rising freshman RBs from Forest Park, Foster, or Judson and still have a 1,000-yard back.
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