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Everything posted by blueflu

  1. Amazing win with everything that happened yesterday. Respect for our friends from Canadian, but what our kids did was incredible. I am so proud of all involved.
  2. Driver was hurt pretty bad. Wonder what the rules are for delaying game. 30 .minutes, maybe an hour. praying for charter driver
  3. Is Canadian facebook still livestreaming.
  4. I say low scoring. GT 13 Canadian 10
  5. Gunter plays Holliday and Canadian so often in these rounds. There is such a respect between the fans. It has never been nasty on the field or in the stands. May the best team win.
  6. we lost 1 game.....8th grade to brock
  7. and hellman,......running back who has been a qb his whole life
  8. But, a huge game.
  9. Train wreck
  10. Have Lorena and Gunter scheduled next year. Will they honor schedule. Doubt it.
  11. i have to know the reason before i comment.
  12. Pilot Point vs Gunter 1999 First win ever for Gunter over PP
  13. Coach Fletcher has always had good defenses, very well coached on that side of the ball. Offense is another story. Has always counted on athleticism on that side of the ball.
  14. not talking about last minute
  15. They were just proud it was 10 points
  16. I got one problem with how this game ended up. Down 24 14, Bells just ran dive and ended game. Who does that.?
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