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  1. RIP Tenaha Football…………. The name that used to strike terror into the hearts of etx football squads………. Timpson will hold the crown for the small school ranks for the foreseeable future now……………… I don’t doubt the man is a good man at all…….. just rarely see a move such as this be successful………. For football at least…………….. might be a Rocky few years…………
  2. hitchcock may beat hooks by 30..................
  3. itll be nw and hitchcock playing for the chance to go to state.......................... hitchcock could win th e whole thing this year..............................
  4. I have heard a south east texas coordinator/...............................
  5. This one is close to home.................. hope they bring someone in........ is there anyone on staff who is "ready"?
  6. I have heard some horor stories out of there................................. almost surprisinf TEA hasnt come in if some are true................... prayers for whoever takes it............... would touch it...............
  7. should b some hires this week/ next with school board meetings
  8. Heard he might be the man from the jump................................. dont be shocked here................
  9. I think the bigger question............ why cant OC figure it out??? they always have some decent looking kids a few athletes, had a pretty good little qb a few years ago. had 9 win seasons whuch r outliers in 14&15............... I just dont know why they cant win as much as i think they could..... IS THERE POSSIBLY potential if someone comes in with the right mindset and resourses....
  10. He is a good guy................. will do a good job............. records, degrees, etc doesnt always mean youre qualified for a job.... he is a good dude and if supe knows and trusts him to do a good job its different...... plus he should work hard for getting the oppurtunity........... hes not the type of guy that will just coast on his laurels..............
  11. ....................awful take...................................... still kids.............. basketball may be the only thing they got..................................... take that away you never know in texarkana....... gets real quick.................. yes they need to be remprimanded but the one thing this world misses is grace................. gotta teache the youngins the right way..... cant do it on the couch.....
  12. it all depends on how you use the athletes............................... see coastal carolina
  13. south east?...........................
  14. Ties to the area????????????????????
  15. is the city manager thing a joke..............
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