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PepeSilvia last won the day on July 5 2024

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  1. Not far from Gilmer road. It’s in the shopping center with Taco Bell and the Kia dealership on the loop.
  2. Just letting y'all know that there are now 2 card shops in Longview. The new one that opened up is called For the Collectors. I went this weekend but they said their supply was limited because they took a lot of it to a card show in Shreveport. I'll have to check it out again later. The Sports Card Shop on Gilmer road and Entertainmart in the mall are still my go to.
  3. Naw. I like my sinning a little too much.
  4. Not all of us a Church of Christ members buddy.
  5. Nice to see that his presidency starts with technical difficulties.
  6. Bunch of pansies. He should be a real man like William Henry Harrison.
  7. They should rename it Water.
  8. Ranch water is disgusting. Might as well drink werewolf piss.
  9. that’s because I keep the Shiner in the cooler.
  10. You can do a simple google search for the info but here’s a source easy for you to read. It’s in the first myth just to make it simpler for you. https://www.bayhealth.org/community-wellness/blog/2020/may/covid19-fact-vs-fiction
  11. It was a Harry Potter reference there sir. Get hip with the times and stop being such a square.
  12. Quick question. You believe that the data was manipulated saying that someone died from COVID when in fact they died from a wreck? What are your thoughts on people (especially here on Smoaky) that base their opinions of the vaccine on VAERS data? I’m just curious on your stance since if you want to believe everything on VAERS (like some people on Smoaky) then you’d have to believe that the vaccine turned people into the Incredible Hulk. That was a side effect that was reported on VAERS by the way.
  13. You do realize that Covid was a lot more infectious than influenza don’t you?
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