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PepeSilvia last won the day on July 5

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  1. Could someone please post a link to a reputable source saying that the shooter was gay since y’all are making that accusation. Everything that I’ve seen says that the kids were bullying him by saying that he was gay and not that he actually was. If that’s what they were doing then yall are no better than those kids doing the bullying. Also, his post that was on discord which he was initially investigated for was talking about hatred that trans people are being accepted into society and that he wanted to commit an lgbtq massacre.
  2. Better than offering just thoughts and prayers as kids are tragically killed in schools. But hey, whatever makes you feel better about yourself.
  3. Based on this post I can assume that Loomer and yourself are advocates for Red Flag Laws. Finally something we can agree on.
  4. Sir I'm gonna need you to remove that "possible" from my description.
  5. Y’all are completely dismissing the fact that they closed down for the same reasons. The cons are just trying to point to the minimum wage increase as the reason that the ones in Cali shut down while deliberately not addressing the Houston locations.
  6. If that’s the case then please explain it to me. Why are ya’ll saying that the 6 locations that were shut down in Cali for underperforming was because of the min wage hike yet completely dismiss the 2 in Houston?
  7. You should just stick to math.
  8. I think I’ll wait till it’s streaming. Heard the reviews were terrible though.
  9. I show this every year in class. Great for Geography.
  10. Shocker that someone who lost their primary is switching parties.
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