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Everything posted by PepeSilvia

  1. This paragraph is all jacked up. It’s not up to the schools to instill discipline in kids. That’s the parents job. The kids should already be disciplined before they come to school. Yes there should be more discipline in schools but a lot of the times the school districts hands are tied with what we can do. The last time I gave a swat was about 8 years ago when the paddle cracked on me. I told myself that I shouldn’t be doing it anymore and I’ve found more creative ways to correct kids. Teaching to a textbook is just as bad as teaching to a test. Sure you can use it for guidance but textbooks are horrible. That’s why I don’t use one. I can find all the TEKS that I need on my own. You are correct on cursive though. That was a dumb decision to stop teaching it. Thank goodness that they started it back but we’ll have a whole group of kids who won’t be able to read or write it unless the parents teach them.
  2. Why am I not surprised that the Trump worshippers would say this is fake news.
  3. Also, the chart is not from MSN genius It's directly from the CDC website. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm
  4. Bwahahaha muh freedoms. I'm sorry that you live in such a tyrannical state.
  5. So is he hiding or is he campaigning in Pittsburgh? Y'all need to corroborate your stories so as to seem like you aren't making junk up.
  6. Wow, it's like you are just making things up and expecting them to be true. And then acting irate at others for not believing your mindless drivel.
  7. Awww you can't read charts. You must've done terrible in Social Studies. Maybe your 2nd Fraser can help you.
  8. Good lord. Where in that comment do I say that Trump has anything to do with Covid? I was talking about people who live in Trump world.
  9. Because Covid was the cause of death dingleberry. No Covid=No Death. It’s not a hard concept.
  10. What y’all are failing to realize (hilariously I might add) is that if someone dies from suicide, or Covid, their cause of death is listed as suicide, or Covid. But if they had diabetes in either case, the diabetes would be listed on their autopsy report. That is what has happened that allowed y’all to skew the CDC report.
  11. Actually it was a Houston Chronicle fact check but good try though. Man it must be nice to live blindly in Trump world where facts don’t matter.
  12. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fact-check-did-the-cdc-quietly-adjust-us-coronavirus-death-tally/ar-BB18CMmg?li=BBnb7Kz
  13. https://public.tableau.com/views/COVID_excess_mort_withcauses_09022020/WeeklyExcessDeaths?:embed=y&:jsdebug=y&:toolbar=n&:tabs=n&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link I'll just leave this little nugget right here. Maybe you can read a chart.
  14. Funny how we have 200,000 more deaths this year than an average year. I wonder why that is
  15. That is not what the cdc is saying at all.
  16. So what your saying is that if someone commits suicide but they also had diabetes then it wasn’t the suicide that killed them?
  17. https://apple.news/AUdGEKP4QTRmJi7w5vPjhmA
  18. Well you could read the actual CDC report and not cherry pick certain sentences to make your own conclusions.
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