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BlahBlah last won the day on June 21 2024

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  1. Will always be Ft, Hood to me.
  2. All I know it is hard raising kids right now with all this technology ,we didn't have ,trying to lead us astray. I have two teenagers right now.
  3. Apparently you righties are missing him. Still have Thursdays post on page 1 of this forum , and its late Sunday Eve.
  4. This is the govt of Israel saying to the United States ; "Sick'em boy ! "
  5. Not banned. Barry requested a account deletion.
  6. Nope they told me why they left. This site just turned to garbage with no more friendly banter during a debate on a subject. Mods allowed people in who contributed nothing but vile name calling. That shut down the debate. That made the site no more fun and they left. Now y'all are crying they left, and you have no one to yell or gloat at.
  7. Everybody knows it was YeaBuddy who took this site down the morality tube, and the mods allowed it. Now people are leaving this political forum. Now most of you are bored with the fall in posting on here.
  8. No he didn't. Moron. Church has a huge problem with pedophilia.You didn't see him call any Christians pedos did you ? Pedos comes in all fashions of life.
  9. Yall wanted them gone when they were here. Now you want them back, because you have no one to yell at. The lack of, and double standard of moderating on here the political site made this forum no longer fun for them. So they left. Calling Barry a Pedo because he simply had a different political opinion is crazy. Mods allowed it. Now deal with a boring site. Noticed the number of drops in post. Yall are watching Star Wars Movies with Death Vader scenes deleted. It is not the same.
  10. DIST 11 VS Dist 12-2A Both in Glen Rose Div 1 Monday Feb 10th 6pm, Bosquevile VS Hamilton 8pm. Valley Mills VS Hico Div 2 Both in Stephenville HS 10 Feb Monday ITASCA VS Lipan Graford VS Crawford
  11. I'm seeing similar protest all across America this weekend. People are saying where is ICE at ? I say Where is ISIS at when you need them ?
  12. If Dems had a primary David Hogg would be defeated. So Dems will probably not have a primary in 2026. just like in 2024
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