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  1. I think we’re saying the same thing. The kids at Shiner are more physical is the point I’ve been making. You’re from Joaquin, so you get a pass though. I know y’all have trouble reading sometimes jk jk. All in good fun
  2. And again, I want to reiterate that Timpson is a dang good football team, and their coaches are really freaking good at what they do, just didn’t happen last night.
  3. Not saying that Timpson didn’t play hard, they played very hard and are a very good football team. Shiner is just more physical than them. Timpson would much rather run around their opponent than over them, Shiner couldn’t care less whether they have to run over or around their opponent, but if running over them is the only option, they don’t care. That’s all I mean. That it’s a “preferred” option for a lot of teams in ETX and to your point, it kind of adds to mine. On those off tackle plays, whatever they are, the end HAS to be physical at the point of attack. Has to. Last night I saw Timpson kids try and run around blockers several times, which just runs themselves out of the play. To beat teams like that, you have to win by beating them at their own game. When a linemen pulls to the DE, he’s either going to kick out, or seal if you give that to him. You have to step up, make sure he doesn’t get the kick out by being physical and stopping him when y’all make contact, and simultaneously make sure you don’t give up outside leverage. That didn’t happen last night.
  4. That’s not to say those are the only three physical football teams, those are just the three that are physical and have the athleticism to make a run in the playoffs most years. And it’s not a comment on offensive philosophy, physical football can be played from any formation with any concept, except maybe some of that Hal Mumme/Mike Leach stuff, but I don’t wanna get into that
  5. One problem that you notice is in ETX there’s not a whole lot of physical football anymore. Carthage does it, Newton tried to, but in typical years they do it really well, and Waskom does it. The rest of it is a bunch of teams who try to win with A+ athleticism at skill positions with no emphasis on physicality. Shiner will line up and hit you in the mouth for 48 straight minutes, Mason and Refugio will do the same. That’s why SA lost those years. They thought they were physical until they played an actual physical football team, same with Timpson this year. Those kids got hit in the mouth for a half and decided they didn’t really like playing Shiner anymore. Until a region 3 team steps up and plays physical football all year, region 4 is gonna win it year in and year out. Having big kids helps, that’s why SA was good, but where they lost is that all 11 kids on the field for the other team wanted to hit somebody every play, SA’s skill kids didn’t want any of that. Timpson was more of the same, for the most part, last night, with smaller kids in the trenches on top of that.
  6. If it’s the same kid from last year, that Beckville QB is a gamer, the kind of kid that will drag the rest of his team to a W if he happens to be the only one who shows up that week. Timpson better not underestimate him.
  7. Yep. Oh well. Bulldogs exceeded expectations this year
  8. TD Bussey. 34-14. PAT pending 35-14
  9. Yeah. Gotta execute and take advantage of opportunities like that against good teams
  10. Turnover on downs. 9 minutes left on the 4th. Bears ball on their own 40
  11. Garrison gets the onside
  12. Pick 6 for the bears. 14-0
  13. Didn’t know about the COVID stuff, but knew about Barnes. SA rarely has two years like this in a row, so I’d expect nothing less than for y’all to compete next year.
  14. Graduated somewhere near 20+/-3 seniors, most of which contributed, and I think (some SA people can correct me if I’m wrong) their whole offensive line. Just a rebuilding year or two in store for them before they swing back around. Same situation Garrison was in last year and this year, but the Bulldogs will be coming out of the rebuild next year. their coaching staff will get it turned around
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