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Everything posted by SilkyJohnson

  1. I do agree with that. No big kahunas will put in for this, but a great opportunity for a big coordinator to get a HFC job.
  2. The tweet doesn't read like they stayed in house.
  3. Oh no offense taken. Well, I have worked for HFC that are not the AD. I have worked for HFC/AD in the past. I can see it going both ways. Will not say whether or not I am currently coaching (or where I have been), but I am about as familiar with how this goes as a smoaky user can possibly be. I have been in this game for a while. The district I worked in with a non football AD and the hfc had no issues at all. I can certainly see where you are coming from though. I just think that a history of winning will be more appealing than absolute power to some people. Also, Brock is an A+ school district and community. Has tons of appeal.
  4. Best play in football.
  5. So by this logic there are more applicants than the number value suggests. Have to be a couple of zeros in the pile.
  6. I bet more are interested than we think. Winning and having the chance to always be competitive is a huge draw.
  7. Who on Earth taught you the English language?!
  8. Single Wing!
  9. Malakoff will be LEGIT. Three D1 commits and other guys playing college ball. They have a chance to be special for sure.
  10. A healthy athletic program is good at everything. Grandview is another good example.
  11. Most appealing job in the county!
  12. Rivercrest is pretty dang good. Probably could have been more than 96.
  13. That would be (bad) news to me. I used to live in Center and loved that place. Haven't been back over there in a year or two. I used to frequent the back room there if you know what I mean lol
  14. Sombrero's and Steaks and More make this a good job
  15. That means let go. It allows the district to post the job immediately.
  16. Can't get shut out in district if you don't play district games.
  17. Liberty Hill! Slot T mafia baby!
  18. Reyes to Lumberton is a done deal now. Announced last night.
  19. If they could just find a guy that would do things like they did when they played there! They would be county champs again! Yee Haw!
  20. Pine Tree
  21. Lived in Lindale from 2017-2019. Great town! I want them to pull this out but Argyle is LEGIT. Kudos to two well run programs.
  22. I am ETX through and through, and no disrespect to anyone's teams, but I saw this coming a mile away. Timpson is LEGIT, but Shiner has been the biggest, nastiest, and toughest team in 2A football this year. Those guys are the real deal. I think they go on a run in 3A D2 and maybe 3A D1.
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