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DeKlabBeers last won the day on March 24 2021

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    I love DeKlab fotoball and the spilt back veer
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  1. The code talk on here is reminding me of "The Old Coach" and simpler times.
  2. While impressive, still no one from Kildare has come forward.
  3. I generally consider anything east of I-35 to be East Texas.
  4. I had to google if Kountze was a real place. Imagine my surprise when the search resulted in telling me that it was a small town in East Texas.... who da thunk? I thought, with a name like that, it had to be more of the misinformation I've been hearing about.
  5. I challenge anyone from Kildare to post on this. I've met thousands of people from Linden. Yet, nary a one from Kildare.
  6. Can someone explain to me like I'm in the first grade... Why is Redwater the Blue Dragons? First off, everyone knows that while mythical, dragons are green. Second off, it's Redwater... they should be the Octopi... then really get a both parts of the word.
  7. "The Entire Roster" might be the best thing I've ever seen. Thanks DKBear123 for pointing it out to us.
  8. DeKalb--- Dairy Queen. It's not fast food, it's fan food.
  9. Matthew, please do not get this forum's users to try to define what is or isn't East Texas... it literally turns into actual violence every time.
  10. Well that obviously wont work... and I am pretty sure that, according to LK's local ordinance, a powder blue polo will result in the death penalty.
  11. So if LK hires a coach that owns a bunch of blue polos then y'all will be as good as Carthage? Is that how that works?
  12. are these lineman challenges like competitive eating competitions or what?
  13. After a quick google search, I can definitively say that I have no respect for their school board.
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