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  1. Panola Watchman sportswriter has written today that Coach Surratt says it would be a miracle if Jett plays this week.
  2. L-E’s scoring average will come way down, and CHS’s will go way up. It will be slightly closer than last year’s bi-district game in the downpour at Pine Tree (CHS 42-0). CHS 42, L-E 14
  3. Of course, the score might already be out of hand by the 4th quarter.
  4. After seeing their season opener, I’m not sure how good the Kilgore offense is or will be this season. It’s going be difficult for any offense to look very good against this year’s Carthage defense. So the jury is still out on them. But you’re right, C&C, in your comment about this Kilgore defense. The yards aren’t going to come easy against them…much less the points. Kilgore should win this one…and maybe all of them this year.
  5. As usual, you have hit the nail on the head. Before the current two-game “losing streak” started last December, Carthage was 110-2 in its last 112 games dating back to the loss in Kilgore in October 2016. I guess it’s just human nature for many to lose sight of the 110-4 record over the past 114 games and to concentrate instead on the 0-2 record since last December. It always seems to be “what have you done for me lately?”.
  6. According to the Panola Watchman, CHS had 10 completions for 50 yards passing, with 33 of those coming on 2 receptions by #7.
  7. You can’t beat ‘em if you don’t play ‘em!
  8. Interesting, as your posts usually are. But as far as CHS possibly looking at being an 8-4 team after last season’s opener… other than a loss in the playoffs (which of course did happen), one would have been hard pressed to come up with 3 other teams on the schedule that could have possibly beaten Coach Surratt’s young team (even without the 20-20 hindsight we now have).
  9. One of them did play quite a bit as a freshman, although he didn’t start.
  10. Henderson over Carthage…I wonder if that will ever happen again
  11. Season openers are often hard to predict; I certainly don’t know who will win this one. However, I do know that it has been a very long time since Carthage lost a game at home.
  12. He will be a junior this season, correct?
  13. The “others” Cuff slung the ball to included Montrel Hatten, who is now at Oregon State.
  14. Hicks eventually transferred from the Okie State track team to LSU’s.
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