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TIMRIGGINS last won the day on September 28 2022

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  • Birthday 01/24/1990

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  • Location
    Dillon, Texas
  • Interests
    The Fullback Dive
    Tyra Collette
    Lyla Garrity,
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  1. Which job do you think is worst??
  2. Just "passing" is something a lot of kids wouldn't do without sports. There are a lot of kids who have nothing at home. These "parents" couldn't care less what they do. Most don't make 6 figures. In the bigger schools yes but most of the schools in East Texas are small rural schools
  3. In his defense Surratts win….let this man cook!
  4. Everybody’s doing that now. They are all chasing money
  5. I thought the OC applied for the job
  6. Had to verbal so he would have a d1 spot....once he got other offers we all knew he would decommitt from Air Force....He committed to NC state then Wyoming up the offer by allowing him to play both. This just the world we are living in today. He and many other players will probably be in the portal a time to two as well .Crazy landscape these days!
  7. Taking applications until the 13th is law. They have to have it posted for 10 days legally. Its just a formality at this point.
  8. I understand. Just seemed weird to me. I hadn't heard anything about him leaving.
  9. What happened to Coach Sharp? Was he reassigned or did he resign?
  10. Dang, where is Coach Sharp going?
  11. I bet you'll be surprised. Everybody thinks they can fix it!
  12. Dang, Thats tough sledding!
  13. "It aint much but its honest work"
  14. HOLY SMOKES....Well I guess that could be a positive for the LK fans.....it could be worse
  15. Probably going to be a struggle to have much of a football program without AD being attached to it. You’re not going to get the coaches you need like that.
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