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89Falcon last won the day on December 15 2023

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  1. No dog in the fight. Y’all can win by 100 and it would not phase me
  2. I am long gone from Center. Moved down south.
  3. Lol, 2AD2 playing a 4AD2 definitely scheduling weak. WOS is definitely a “slap”, never win anything. Who did Jefferson play last week?
  4. Yep, Jefferson been piling up deep runs and State Championships. Would be significant step for Newton to start trying to build a program. Hopefully Newton can learn something from facing a power like “Jefferson”
  5. Lol, surprised Newton played down this much. They normally play higher caliber games in the pre district. If they did not have the incident with Jasper this game would not be on the schedule.
  6. Nobody got in the end zone far as I can see. I don't think that was the main objective for Woodville. First play of first possession we took it from our thirty to Vidor's 20 but we placed the ball near the 45 for the next play. Felt like we were trying different things in different scenarios with different players cause it was obvious the other teams really couldn't stop our main 2 backs Have not got a straight answer. Woodville has a QB that obtained D1 offers despite only playing JV in 3A. Was curious how he did. Have never heard of 3A JV players getting D1 offers (though he was a good JV QB). I would expect a D1 QB to score against Crockett.
  7. What did Crockett run last year?
  8. I am not counting any title for assistants or administrators. HC gets the wins and the losses.
  9. I don’t disagree. I do not believe Carthage would beat Aledo under any circumstance. But, Aledo is not in the group of 5AD2. I do believe Carthage would have the most championships of all the 5AD2s we mentioned but as mentioned previously, they would not have as many as they have obtained in 4A. There would be years when some of the teams mentioned (such as SOC) would win. Aledo being a similar anomaly as Carthage but at a higher level.
  10. Agree that all of those can contend on any given year. Carthage can most definitely beat any of them on a regular basis as well and would be a yearly State contender if in the same classification. Carthage would likely not have the same amount of championships they have accumulated in 4A but Carthage would have more than any one of the schools identified.
  11. No doubt Carthage could beat Texas High on a regular basis. Not every time but definitely regularly.
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