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Everything posted by hogwash

  1. Hey is Ray Dowdy still coaching mabank, or what happen and where is he.
  2. When, Where and Who From East Texas is playing in the game.
  3. Shankle, Creer, Sturns and Calhoun. WoW Wonder what there Totals will be for all four of them at the end of the year. Thats a stable of STUDS.
  4. Who will it be, and in each classification.
  5. QB at Carthage, seen him first hand take a some major hits last year from Tatums defense, that most QB"s would have stayed on the ground, but Not him he keep getting up for more, Looking forward to seeing him this year, He's a big kid thats going to have some big games this year.
  6. I think they have as good as chance as anyone, they are always good.
  7. Wonder how many people that post here, have every reall played on the turf, the new fields Like Longview, Hallsville or Tatum's they have the newest stuff, I think.
  8. Well i hope him the best, maybe he will do his visits on Friday nights in sept & oct, If so, I know of alot of teams that will be very Happy, including Me.
  9. Whats going on in Gilmer, must be Yamm Bamm.
  10. what about any one else, who's the OC & DC?
  11. Two loses in the regular season, and another one in the 2nd round of the playoffs, Dang i would have thought that they would have made atleast 3rd or 4th round atleast, Don't they have some of their players back from the state championship team, are all them gone.
  12. Smoaky, west rusk is in 19-AA not THE GROVE
  13. How many touchdowns did he make last year, and how many where called back on kickoffs, this kid is amasing. He should be something to see this year.
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