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About TrumpisDump

  • Birthday 07/29/1923

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  1. If Marshall was to beat the Lobos, I feel that this is the year for it to happen. Lobos looked down this year. Yes they have talent, but it isn't as overwhelming as usual. Marshall looked pretty good against a struggling Cujo. Can't wait to come and watch this one!
  2. Once again for another year, idk where the hell this place is. Colmesneil lol
  3. Great test for both teams. Can't wait to watch
  4. It would be pretty cool to have these games on Saturday. I bet it would pack the house to capacity.
  5. Sticky situation. I did hear the kid transferred to Vandergrift and was their best OL. Hope they get the punishment they deserve and kids have to realize playing stupid games/pranks will get you stupid prizes.
  6. SMH I blame these sorry parents. Most played JV until they were in their mid 20s, and then yell or blame the coaches for their offspring to play like straight dog . Parents aren't gonna get any better. Might as well bite the bullet and up the pay for officials. Money solves a lot of problems.
  7. Gunter and Koff in a semi finals game would be nice to see.. Maybe state depending on the route and region they're in.
  8. I always say.. what is the common denominator in all of this. That is usually the problem.
  9. Legacy strikes me as one of those places that always says "the coaching is the problem"...too political
  10. I said when he was hired, he wasn't going to be there long
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