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About TrumpisDump

  • Birthday 07/29/1923

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  1. That's why this is a major problem. There isn't an fair opportunity. Yes it is in some instances but most it isn't. That is why most leave for the metroplex.
  2. Yes, it's 2025 but when there is less than 10 black head coaches in all of ETX then is it really any different? I think some places hire based on who is the best candidate and some hire based off of the 2nd best candidate. The worst story I have heard about this happened with a team who may a deep run this past year (not calling out any school names) but they had a HC position open up roughly 4-5 years ago and there was a ex collegiate and NFL athlete who applied for this job. Now just because he was in the NFL he shouldn't automatically get the job...but after he was cut from the league he became the DC of a Juco and then later a D1 DC... but was told he doesn't have head coach experience.. now why did he try to take a high school job? To come back home. This was a hometown kid and wanted to come back home. But was told no. I'm sorry but some places make it harder for some ethnicities to make it in. And if you think it's just smoke then look at the numbers...
  3. I'm so tired of hearing lesser of the two evils lol that didn't become a big saying until about 8 yrs ago but I'll save that for another day. Back to this... most if not up to 95 percent of the educators in Texas I would think fall under the middle class sooooooo and with that being a substantial amount of votes from educators and family you would think that it would be a no brainer who to vote for. But common sense isn't always common, and to be honest a "status symbol" or saying I've always voted R or D is more important than worrying about the education system as a whole or your future as a educator. Prime reason I got out of it. Pretty much most are being hypocritical.
  4. Any word on who this will be? It's gotta be soon because this was announced early and I'm sure word got out pretty fast also. I would think in the next 2 weeks there's gotta be something.
  5. Good luck with that...the new legislature and Abbott could care less about public education. As long as the rich stay with rich and make the middle-poor class pay for it they will stay in office. Funny thing is, the ppl who are in these classes vote for the people who represent the wealthy class and have minimal interest in public education...that is the funniest thing to me. Yes you have to get political on this subject matter because it effects the school system drastically. At all levels.
  6. There are several factors that can change attendance and also people's take on the situation. For one...who is playing???? This can pretty much override any factor being in east texas. If it is a household name like Longview then yes people will pay no matter what. Also for example, say if there was 3 ETX schools to happen to play on the same day (triple header) I think the attendance would skyrocket. That part isn't something you can control. As far as Jerry...he ain't making anything cheaper. AT ALL. We're kind of forced to have it there because of conveniency of Dallas. Dallas is in the middle of the state pretty much as far as dome stadiums are concerned which I would want if I was a coach for state. Having it in Houston wasn't a great showing because nobody likes the appeal of NRG stadium plus most of the teams who've made it to state within the past 12ish years were mostly North of Austin. You have to include schools that are 4A and below. So having Dallas or ETX schools show that attendance can rise more. San Antonio is a cool city and would be manageable but that is so far removed from Texas that nobody would bother traveling because of it being so lopsided on the state. You kind of are forced to stay at AT&T.
  7. Stamford got the accolades for sure!
  8. Jayton getting the W.
  9. I think it will be a great game. It's definitely a toss up. Kilgore defense and special teams has led them most of the way. Their defense compliments the offense tremendously. Giving them short fields off of turnover and special teams. I don't think they want the ball in #1, #3, or #4 hands so I wouldn't expect any deep kick offs. Turnovers and special teams is what's gonna drive this game I believe. My score prediction is Kilgore 31-28.
  10. Great job Lobos when the odds were against you. Just gotta capitalize on the opportunities that you were given. Left at least 21 pts on the field, so the call on the last play shouldn't have been a factor. Revamp and reload lobos! Congrats on a great season.
  11. Henderson has the talent to compete and coaching but it's hard to establish anything when people higher up ruin the program. Small town problems...
  12. Henderson district is worse
  13. Score Prediction Kilgore 49- CH- 42. Kilgore either a defensive TD or Special Teams TD
  14. If they were booked all around ETX, take it to the casino! Bossier...LOAD UP! Independence Stadium.
  15. WHere is the bracket
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