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iRockNewbzz last won the day on December 6 2024

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About iRockNewbzz

  • Birthday 08/15/1988

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  • Location
    East Texas
  • Interests
    Watching sports, hangin' out with the wife + our 4 dogs. Living the best version of myself!
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  • High School Team(s)
    HS, DF

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  1. How many are there exactly?
  2. Talk about JT getting the shaft, and no one can sit back and say that was fair for both schools!
  3. I can't really understand the reason behind the zoning tbh. Stewart MS was pretty close to Rose, right? And at that time for years was 1 of the feeders into JT but if Stewart was open now they'd be at Lee...Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever
  4. Don't know that he'll be given "a few years"...
  5. I was gonna say anyone that plays Kilgore n Carthage for ya but you beat me to it lol
  6. Lol come on bro....You know the answer
  7. @d0tc0mCongrats to y'all and the Bobcats! Hell of a team man, definitely the best in 4ad1 all year. Congrats!
  8. I'd switch y'all for Tatum since no team we'd face in playoffs run their type of O
  9. So Aeryn Hampton and Chase didn't beat y'all 2 years ago?
  10. To Terry Bussey and Co.? Yeah, ALOT of teams lost to them
  11. Lol you should sir scheduling down
  12. Hold up, this is a Tatum fan?!? Talk about #BTA
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