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  1. here come the comments about that guy at Waskom with the cattle trailer.
  2. No change coming. You guys just over here talking about Willie’s Nelson learning Spanish, while growing skunk at the Motel 6.
  3. Can we get a translator on this thread?
  4. You guys going to finally build the truck stop they’ve been working on for 7 years?
  5. Still didn’t work. If you google comparison of academic and behavioral performance between athletes and non-athletes. It comes up for the NIH website. The numbers are actually better than I thought they would be in the study. I needed to see that. Assures that a difference is made. If someone could create a link, I would appreciate it.
  6. pmc.ncib.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4831893/ Sorry. I couldn’t get it to “link”. But it is a study from the national library of medicine. The results speak for themselves.
  7. Exactly. You are bringing this to the table. So where is your data that sports participants are equally or less “successful” than other students that are non participants. You are basically giving your opinion, then disregarding others opinion due to lack of data. Lol
  8. You continue using college graduation rates. There are lots of successful people who don’t graduate college. I’ve seen tons of kids graduate high school that probably wouldn’t have without sports/coaches to motivate and guide them. I’ve seen a lot of young men become successful fathers that had absolutely no example of one other than coaches. You keep asking for facts/data without providing your own.
  9. I feel that the statement “AD’s are overpaid” is being confused with “teachers are vastly underpaid”. In addition, I don’t know an AD that wouldn’t agree that classroom teachers are underpaid.
  10. Someone should send a fire truck that direction.
  11. Another thing to consider…. There are a number of small (mostly white) schools in East Texas, that i wouldn’t think get a diverse applicant list. The first one that would pop in my head is James Bowie. I could be wrong.
  12. Why are yall acting like this is hard to understand? The Sup wants somebody he can control.
  13. The question everyone wants to know is….. do they have one of those “good groups” coming in the next couple years?
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