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Byron smith

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Byron smith last won the day on October 7

Byron smith had the most liked content!

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  1. I expect a good game Atlanta has some talent. Matchup of athletes i think its evenly in that area Have to get Batton going this week in the run game to have a chance
  2. You have them beating DK? RPReplay_Final1728942111.mov
  3. I wasnt born til years later . It wasnt any shade thrown when i said that i was just going off of when you guys played us Once we went up 2 scores you could tell the difference
  4. Thats one of them leather belts from the 80’s? i know them licks hurt
  5. Unc done popped out for the week lol. Those other Jeffy posters gone man its all peachy now
  6. If LE goes up by 2 scores then ATL is gonna give up
  7. King of the rodents there aint enough cheese in the world to feed all the rats
  8. Trust me i know he is known for running to the admins ….. Got a couple other Jeffy posters suspended a couple weeks ago one min its trash talk next min an admin pops up
  9. Lol im over here chill man i see “byron” like dang can i just read
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