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SmokedOut last won the day on September 8

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  1. Can’t blame LK if they have to combine 7th and 8th grades. They’re growing through some tough times. Worse than what HS has gone through. I know that’s hard to believe but it’s the truth. A 3AD1 school playing a 2AD2 school should be prepared for combined jr high teams. They don’t even have a JV. It’s just a lack of numbers. Schedule better. Can’t speak on the unsportsmanlike play. Wasn’t there.
  2. I don’t think people realize how serious Russia takes its sovereignty. It’s a geographic problem for them. They need a buffer. From Napoleon to Hitler they’ve been invaded only to be saved by winter. They lost 25,000,000 in WW2. They’re going to have a buffer.
  3. I can’t stand war mongers. All Putin wanted was for Ukraine not to be allowed into NATO and NATO weaponry be allowed in Ukraine. I think that’s fair. Would Americans like if China set up shop in Canada or Mexico? I think not.
  4. 35 trillion in the hole. Can’t do both. I choose our citizens.
  5. Some coaches play not to lose instead of playing to win. Sounds like he’s playing not to lose, which will bite you in the TobinFrost.
  6. Shouldn’t we make sure our homeless and impoverished citizens are taken care of before we start importing more?
  7. In 24 hours we shocking the world. Don’t try and glaze us neither.
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