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  1. The very reason our brilliant founders created the electoral college.
  2. She was graded as the most liberal senator in 2019. That is a fact. She jailed people longer than convictions. She withheld evidence and kept an innocent man in prison. All facts. As California AG she went after a journalist and confiscated his equipment after learning he went undercover on her planned parenthood friends and was uncovering the truth about them. Truth. All dictator type communist stuff. You are just as much an idiot as Barry Laverty if you aren’t the same person. Any school would help you
  3. BS…. We’ve paid out the nose to fund all the witch hunts. We should get to watch for free
  4. Complete denial about her voting record being worse than Bernie Sanders. And yes she is a communist. All you have to do is research her. she is heavily socialist and comes from a Marxist lineage. You are the one in denial. But we don’t have to worry with her again. Losing in a landslide like she did she will fade into obscurity forever. The dnc finally saw what the smart folks already knew
  5. She was a communist that was lying trying to get the moderate vote. If anybody didn’t vote it was the old yellow dog democrats. The leftists were the first in line
  6. That guy is a special kind of stupid to think Harris is “right wing”!! Lol
  7. lol further right?!?! Lol she grades out as the most libtard senator in 2019. More socialist/communist voting record than Bernie Sanders. You are delusional
  8. The most radical and emphatic (yet wrong) group just sat it out and took the loss???? You are delusional and it’s hilarious
  9. I could have been 7’ tall, but it didn’t happen
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