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  1. That fan base you are referring to consists of 2-3 idiots on message boards. To throw the entire fan base in with those guys is wrong.
  2. Abseck is a good coach. Does a great job with kids. He will be successful.
  3. The more people talk about this the higher the salary becomes. I’m sure he will be making very good money. As Paul Harvey would say “and now for the rest of the story”, those that think they know don’t know.
  4. Not all talk. Been is some pretty tough districts and also in Region 3 most of those years. Had a 2 year stint in Region 2.
  5. Fair enough.
  6. Stadium is not your $30+ million dollar type , but is a good stadium. Nice Modern Press Box, New Turf, Big Video Board. Other Facilities: Indoor Facility ( One of only a few in Houston) New Locker Rooms at HS. Very Nice Basketball Facility Top Notch Baseball/Softball Facility School Campus (with all but one school connected) will remind you of a college campus set up ** Always updating things as needed**
  7. Been in this fraternity for 34 years. Signals are not changed weekly, your lucky enough for kids to remember all the signals. In my 34 years and counting, I have tended to stay away from those that are ethically deficient.
  8. Name not held in very high regard among the coaching fraternity.
  9. The UIL is trying to crack down on DEC committees that rubber stamp everything. KUDOS to this DEC for doing the right thing. I would be very surprised if the UIL hearing goes well for WW. People I know that have coached against the WW coach made this comment when I asked him about the WW coach….”snake in the grass”
  10. Wow.... Just the FACTS. I have no dog in this fight. Been reading this the past few days. Not sure what the U.I.L. will do, but based on past rulings the outlook is not good. Lots of effort to present the FACTS. No admission of any FAULT at all.
  11. Crosby by 14. Too much offensive firepower. Defense will stop the Hornets....
  12. Usually happens when your butt is getting handed to you....
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