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chevyman last won the day on February 21 2024

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    Rugged Red Sports
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  1. Jim Ned knocks of Shallowater
  2. Just been around long enough to know how to approach things much better now than 15-17 years ago. Nothing is given. Everything is earned and after tonight there will only be 8 teams left in our division so everyone is really good. Never take anything for granted and enjoy every second of the ride
  3. Kudos to Minny they played hard and had improved from their time in our district. When the bracket came out it was pretty clear that it could be Winny/Gunter in the regional final. Now we are here. Should be a good one. #2 vs #3
  4. Jim Ned vs Shallowater Tuesday 6pm Big Spring
  5. 3AD2 region 2 opting for a regional tournament Friday and Saturday All games at Kaufman Quitman vs Bells Paradise vs Tatum
  6. Gunter is a tough matchup. Really good guard play and tough defense
  7. Malakoff vs Gunter Monday February 17 630 pm Rowlett
  8. Still have to play the game. They will play hard against us
  9. No not this year. Had been in same district obviously before but with the realignment we split up.
  10. Winny vs Mineola Monday February 17 630 pm UT Tyler
  11. Big win over Ponder. Really good team. Hard fought game. On to the next.
  12. McKinney boyd
  13. Will be tough to replace AB, but it will be crucial for them to really emphasize utilizing the height advantage next year. Theres not many teams that should be able to compete with the size and athleticism of the Hornets if they use them right. Ultimately there were just way too many turnovers last night
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