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  1. Even if your child did move according to the UIL rules, there is not a complete gurantee that he would see the field. There are alot of kids that live in Upshur County that transfer for sports and think that just because they were "studs" elsewhere gave them an automatic IN to the program. This Buckeye program is run using the same drills from Jr. High thru Varsity. By the time the kids are in high school, they have the system down and know what is expected of them and how to be a Buckeye and what it means. PRIDE is our motto and the creed that a true Buckeye lives by. By the way, good luck at Mc Donalds........
  2. Respect was given before and after the game. You can read some of it in the Longview paper as well. Hats off to the Bears for a game well played. As a Buckeye fan, this is another one of those ulcer generating type of games.
  3. Head that way now...... I would bet that there is already a line formed...........
  4. No matter what we do as a fan base here in Gilmer, we have and will continue to fight the same uphill battle with the Move In situation........ Just like AOB, Blackflag, etc.... has said in previous posts on MANY other threads on here, we are always going to be saddled with the rumors of being The University Of Gilmer.......and our precious scout team and scholarships we provide.
  5. either way we will wind up with the ball on the opening drive........ will either win the toss or onside kick all game long....... we want our defense to be well rested for next week......
  6. This is sad........... very sad........... would wish that the days of old where the corn dog chunkin, girlfriend bashing, dental and personal hygiene slinging pot shots were back........ the only thing we have to look forward to is having the eagles of the south troll the boards and relive games of what could have and should have been.........
  7. I can assure that this Won't Happen....... I still stand guard with who she is going out with....... :)
  8. this game on paper shows to be a close game, however, IF the same team that showed up against Gilmer just a couple of weeks ago is in attendance......... Argyle by at least 2 td's......... good luck to both teams, but this Buckeye is pulling for the Eagles...........at least until we meet again..........
  9. Luke also got MVP of the game. Now onto Memphis..........
  10. We are still here.......... just sent a large delegation to the stadium at the start of the week to impersonate the grounds keepers so that we could methodically place small vials of the TDH in the visitors locker room, sidelines, and in the stands.......... not to worry however, it will slowly start to wear off at the conclusion of the game............ at least that is what the lab tech said when we picked up the new batch............. then again, he is just fresh out of the big house........ he said he was a chemist and we weren't that picky on the application........ just know we need a strong batch with a little twist for this week!!!!!!
  11. Game is at 11:00 Tomorrow......
  12. Couldn't get the Gilmer broadcast so I listened to the other side (can't remember, slept since then) and they said "Boy I hope Gilmer runs the fumble play"
  13. I heard that they are putting together a new "alternative" parade thru Dfield....... It is for their two wheeled delegation that is growing like wild fire....... Dikes on Bikes?????
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