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gtee2 last won the day on August 6 2016

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  • Longview Lobos
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  1. Yeah that was a sucker move Longview. But on that "streak" subject...Longview has a excellent chance to surpass the 11 that LP put on us. It could get up to 14 before a drop off.
  2. Forney has to be the favorite. Their RB and LB are game changers. And I believe they got a upgrade at Qb.
  3. Never would have thought this class of kids...(Hale Tatum Willie class) would leave Longview without a state championship...
  4. Yea I believe Lancaster will beat Forney this go round...same as they beat Longview. Depends on LT's attitude though...if they are satisfied with finally beating the boogie man or do they want more. They are very talented on Offense
  5. He wins... Maybe it's the crappy districts Longview gets put in but he has won for 20 straight years. He's earned the right to name his day. I'll give him that credit. But I would like that comparisons to him and that other guy little south of Longview to stop because it's not really close...IMO
  6. Tutt played. Tatum didn't but I don't think they were decimated. Longview just gonna Longview...as I've read some say on here
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