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Everything posted by osup116

  1. I kinda agree with you but you also need to look at the United States is the only country in the world who counts Suicide by gun in their statistics It is a stretch to compare the United States gun deaths with other countries because of this. UC Davis Health What You Can Do Facts and Figures Facts and Figures The human toll There were 39,707 deaths from firearms in the U.S. in 2019. Sixty percent of deaths from firearms in the U.S. are suicides. In 2019, 23,941 people in the U.S. died by firearm suicide.1 Firearms are the means in approximately half of suicides nationwide. I believe Gamewatchers point is - If you want to kill someone you will find a way. Bad people will always find a way
  2. They aint even trying to make it look legit anymore
  3. 5.89 a gallon and going up. Good prices outrages - GOP will win regardless
  4. So Hillary, Adam Sciff, swawel, Maxeen Waters and countless others should be stepping down as well. Each did far worse than Trump
  5. Ha you wish. Biden is going to get into primaries against Hillary and lose. GOP is Trumps if he wants it. This will be a redo if 2016. My prediction only
  6. You are watching way to much CNN. This question is not specifically for you but to the group as a whole. the black demo is the only demo that has not changed their mind about Trump. Everyone else seems to have clued in that he did a lot more than given credit. Asian, women, and hispanic are flocking to him in polls. Black demo has to a degree but not as much as other demo's Why is this? What is it that is keeping them from seeing his accomplishments? Honestly curious
  7. Because the poor are being duped by the elite. It is not a hidden fact that the Mother of Abortion was an eugenist and a racist.
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