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  1. Gilmer 51 - Brenham 30 2:11 left in the 4th
  2. The broadcast team says there is no Internet for them to use at the stadium so they are recording the game. Word is they will load the video to the you tube channel later on tonight.
  3. Gilmer National Bank Charter Bus to Prosper Bus will leave the bank @ 3 Contact person is Angie Sowell 903 843-5653 $25 a person Be at the bank by 2:30
  4. It's kind of nice that there are still some coaches that are loyal to their team, school, fans and community - if they were offered and turned it down.
  5. I thought he was ready for retirement before he was talked into staying as Gilmer's head coach.
  6. With the volatility of college coaching and their staff these days not sure I would put my eggs in that basket, but I guess time will tell. LOL
  7. 67 yard run by Darrell Bush for the Gilmer score 7 - 7
  8. 53 yard Darrell Bush run for the TD Gilmer 35 - 20 6:01 in the 4th
  9. High snap over the punter's head. Another safety for the Buckeyes Gilmer 28-20 6:56 in the game
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