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  1. I couldn't even sit through Kamala's drivel. What a dummy
  2. I'm no Eagles fan but I'm happy for Jalen Hurts. That kid has worked his tail off to get where he is and it finally paid off. Good for him.
  3. Somebody tell me if I'm wrong but I believe your link is broken.
  4. Force 10 From Navarone is basically a Bond film. Lol most of the cast are in James Bond movies, including Edward Fox as M in Never Say Never Again, and it's directed by legendary Bond director, Guy Hamilton.
  5. There's literally no reason not to do this. You can still do early voting.
  6. I'd argue most educators aren't paid enough. If HC's and AD's are having positive impacts on the children and on the community, then they are worth every penny and then some. Lawmakers in Austin and Washington are the ones that are overpaid.
  7. Did my annual rewatch of Platoon last night.
  8. Tore it down and Starbucks built there. Jack in the Crack across the street is a bank now.
  9. I'm just waiting for pitchers and catchers to report at this point.
  10. What a common sense answer. Too bad that in the US, you'd be labeled fascist for saying this.
  11. I'm not sure where it will be located yet but I do have confirmation that they are finally building in Longview. I know they own the property where Casa Ole sat next to Kroger on Spur 63 and some land on the Loop.
  12. Argentina is making all government employees take competency tests and re-interview...wouldn't be a bad idea for the US to do it. I have a job that requires recertification every 2 years in the private sector, should be the same for government agencies.
  13. This will eventually lead to even bigger super conferences...SEC, B1G, Big 12, ACC all having a massive number of teams.. each of the P4 consolidating into 2 conferences with about 30-32 teams each and having a playoff against the other ala the NFL. The other 100 or so schools in Division 1 will become the new Division 2.
  14. Good. Government shouldn't support anything other than America itself
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