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Everything posted by trueblue82

  1. Did the board actually vote on it? I believe the superintendent has the authority to reassign any employee, including administrators.
  2. That brings a couple of guys to mind. Either would be an interesting hire.
  3. Aww man! Not on Little Dribblers night!
  4. Well Doomer’s ex-girlfriend’s third husband’s baby mama’s stepsister’s best friend’s second cousin’s AA counselor’s granddaughter’s boyfriend’s court appointed attorney’s daughter is posting on instagram that the leading candidate is much closer than Pittsburgh.
  5. If there’s video of someone putting their hands on a kid, criminal charges should be considered.
  6. HD must still be running the Slot-T.
  7. Nope. Private hydroponic gardening seminar.
  8. They’ve thrown it a bunch the last four years. They just threw it to the wrong team too often.
  9. That sounds accurate. It’s unfortunate, because Coach Barnes is a really nice guy with a heart for the kids.
  10. Those predictions did not age well.
  11. Nah I got the inside scoop. Doomer’s ex-girlfriend’s third cousin’s baby mama’s wife’s stepdaughter’s third husband’s former cell mate at the Jasper County Jail’s half sister works the evening shift at the Saratoga Family Dollar. She said their Deputy Assistant Manager hand delivered his resume’ to the superintendent’s secretary on Friday. He’s a shoe-in for the job. He only likes 2 years at Northern Arizona University Online having his bachelor’s degree, and he took his nephew’s East Hardin County RidgeRunners 8-9 year old team to the Hardin-Jefferson County Super Bowl two years running.
  12. I saw where DJ signed with Lamar. Where did Pollard sign?
  13. I see the problem. Class A schools play 6 man football if they play football at all, which means they can’t run the Slot-T.
  14. Well deserved honor for both.
  15. I stand corrected. I must have been thinking about a different school. That said, Traylor went to college before we could get a true head to head. I do agree that, had he stayed at Gilmer, he would probably be wearing a couple of the rings Coach Surratt has. My gut feeling is still that Surratt is the top dog.
  16. Jeff Traylor is a great coach. There’s no doubt about it. But Scott Surratt will, whenever he leaves Carthage, will leave a legacy that will be the gold standard in Texas high school football for decades. He has 10 rings as of now. He’s the heavy favorite to get #11 in 2025. How long will it be before we see someone top that? As far as comparing the two, I see it like this: Gilmer was already a championship caliber program before Traylor arrived. He made it better, for sure, but the framework was there. Surratt took a program that had made one state championship appearance in school history and won 10 titles in 18 years. End of this discussion.
  17. Perhaps Texas should implement academic standards for athletic participation as well. I know! We’ll call it “No Pass, No Play”! Let me call our State Senator. I’ll even give you partial credit for coming up with the idea.
  18. If athletic activities have zero bearing on who becomes doctors, lawyers and business executives, I guess that explains why Harvard, Yale and Princeton don’t field football teams. Oh wait…..
  19. You seem to be somewhat confused on the rules of debate. Debates are where you shape other people’s opinions by providing facts to back up your own. For three days and seven pages, you’ve provided zero facts, but a whole bunch of your own opinion, while demanding that those who disagree with you provide a counter argument. Many of them (including me) have provided facts and personal experiences to back up our argument that your opinion is simply that. This is a free country. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You are entitled to yours, no matter how unpopular it is, or the basis for you feeling that way. Based on your perceived dislike of highly paid ADs and HFCs, I’m starting to wonder if Scott Surratt or Josh Gibson may have stolen your girlfriend in middle school.
  20. Huxley won’t win their district. The Fightin’ Marsupials of Possum Trot High will be the one seed out of that district. I expect the Bugscuffle Arachnids to give try and catch them sleeping in round 2. Tru storie
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