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VonG last won the day on December 7 2024

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  1. I'm happy for Ralph. He's one of my favorite Lufkin players I got the privilege to watch when he was in high school. He was definitely a monster on some of them great Lufkin teams.
  2. I believe you quoted the wrong person. I never spoke on race. I was talking about being in a competitive district.
  3. I'm not saying it was a great district. I'm saying the district was competitive amongst themselves.
  4. I thought Lee was in a competitive district with the teams that are in the district. Longview didn't blow everyone out like I thought they would. I really didn't expect nobody to make a run expect Longview. I don't know about them being great guys or being a great hire. If JT coach would have been Lee coach last year. I do believe he would have won more games than Trahan. It seemed like he knew what to do. Especially in crunch time. While Trahan was learning on the job. I think Trahan made a lot of rookie mistakes that a veteran head coach would not have made. Especially considering you had like 18 starters coming back. Lee offense took a step back last year.
  5. I seen where Jacksonville has selected their AD and head football coach.
  6. The 1983 Daingerfield team never faced an complex offense like Carthage or a coach like Surratt. Not saying Daingerfield couldn't win. It was just be very difficult to stop Surratt and company. You say Carthage has never faced a running back like Earl Campbell. What do you consider Dwight Smith. They faced him every day in practice. All I ever hear is how great he was. Carthage fans also say he could have came straight out of high school and went straight to the pros.
  7. I'm not saying they can't. It's alot of school districts that can beat Carthage pay. The problem is. How many are willing to do it? So far Carthage is the only school district in Texas paying their athletic director/ head football coach over $200,000. Heck the Barber Hills superintendent is the 2nd highest paid superintendent gig in Texas. I know Barber Hill has the money.
  8. Why would he leave Carthage for Barbers Hill? He's already the highest paid coach in Texas.
  9. It's easy to overlook Lee. They haven't had a winning record since 2008. Lee got blew out in every lost except JT. They weren't competitive.
  10. The keywords for me was top prospect. Yes he had a good season throwing the ball for Lee. They haven't had a 2000 yard passer since Jeff Hilliard. Only 2 in the program entire history. I just don't think he is a top prospect.
  11. Legacy has one of the top qb prospects returning. That's news to me. Did they get another move in for the upcoming year?
  12. The running back position for Longview Lobos will never be an issue.
  13. Not too long ago, Marshall was good in boys basketball. What happened?
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