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  1. They are young. Very young. The others either quit after spring, got ran off or just didn’t play Lots of narratives out there. 0-10 is shocking though because this program has been successful for a number of years.
  2. Blue B....get your facts before you blame AD's. Just saying! We still have week one open! So that means ask your AD why he dropped us.
  3. Seems a couple guys trying to hide behind screen names should have stayed in the Coaching Business a little longer since they have all the answers. Schedule this, play them, not enough kids, playing down! Come on dude. Romo you must have forgot that the smoaky world knows you and remember the day you coached. I mean, you really didn't set the world on fire big dog. Troll on Pewitt, Atlanta and Pitt to make yourself at home.
  4. Any updates on Hooks and P-Land game?
  5. Word in Cass County is Craig Fant has been contacted and may be back in. Reliable source says just trying to get the $$$ right.
  6. Bout what I figured. Since you don't want to show up just call. (903)639-3862. Keep hiding behind a screen name! If you think you might have another question we will be here. This isn't a place for this. Coach Green
  7. I am thankful to be apart of this great community and most of all this great baseball team! These kids battled to the end and just came up short! Kids hold your heads high and parents be proud!!! Its an honor to do what we did!!! Mustang 11 if you need to talk to me I will work through June and will be there every day from 7:30 till noon! If you have a problem with anything we do or have done come see me! Don't do it on here!!!!! Be proud to answer any question you have I promise. 36-2 school record and just fell short!!! Good job mustangs!!!! Coach Green
  8. Not real sure where this tiger fan idiot is from (lk or dfield) but I can tell you this. Its good to see LK people and Dfield people supporting the Stangs. Hey if you can't beat them join them.
  9. Whew... Was taking a nap and had a dream I was in trouble with the Smoaky Police for being mean and wannabes ... Glad it was just a dream... YAWN ... STRETCH.... YAWN.... ZZZZZ's Go cook you some beenie weenies and Friday will be here before you know it!!!! Lol
  10. Queen city in 3!!! Hot team that has flown under the radar! No way Palmer sweeps this group!!
  11. South of Tyler on Hwy 69 in Bullard!!!! Love the one gamer! Best pitcher in East Texas with the best defense behind him! This could get ugly in a hurry!!!!!
  12. Hope the guy doesn't ride in to town and tell all the other teams how bad he is going to beat them like he did the Lufkin Panthers. Didn't work out to well for him. Remember that like it was yesterday. Funny stuff!
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